Working With The Enemy

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"So, Stiles you really have a thing for this 'Newt' boy. Why?" The Nogitsune questioned.

If Stiles could roll his eyes at the fox, he would. "You're the one in my head dipshit. Why don't you tell me?" Stiles retorted.

"That isn't any fun. I'm here for mischief and bloodshed, and since I can't have the blood, I'll have the gossip instead." The Fox whined.

"You act as if you have a choice in what I tell you." Stiles muttered.

"What else are we going to do, hm? We can't execute our plan until Sunday." The Nogitsune deadpanned.

"Well I know that much, I was the one who came up with it. We could go back home, we haven't been since you... possessed me..." Stiles trailed off.

The Nogitsune scoffed, "Re-possessed you. And don't act like I'm taking your virginity Stiles, you asked for this."

Stiles almost gagged when the fox said that. He finally decided enough was enough and got up from his laying position on the floor. Looking around himself, he could see the old, burnt, peeling wallpaper of the old Hale-House.

Making his way out of the dense woods he let his mind relax, and let his feet move on auto-pilot. It wasn't long until Stiles found himself at his baby-blue Jeep.

"You're still driving this piece of shit? It has to be older than me." The demon remarked.

"Yeah well this 'piece of shit' has gotten me through some really rough times." Stiles huffed.

Stiles could feel the demon at a loss for words in his head. Stiles decided to let him stay silent, enjoying the peace and quiet.


Stiles stared at the metal door of the loft, placing his hand on the cold steel handle. Was he ready for this? Well, no, he wasn't. But he didn't have any other choice.

Stiles slid the door open, and quietly squeezed his way through it. Looking around the main area, he could see both Derek and Peter, and the Gladers grouped together.

Derek nearly snapped his neck by turning around so fast. While Peter stood up faster than Stiles' heart beat was.

"We're back." Stiles said, noticing how he said 'we' instead of 'I'.

"What do you mean, 'we're back' ?" Peter asked darkly.

Before the brunette could speak, he felt a thick venom flow through his veins. The Nogitsune was taking over.

"Oh Peter, don't play dumb. You know who he's referring to. And yet, none of you look happy to see me!" The fox joked darkly.

Teresa looked over that the trio of boys, "On behalf of, well, everyone else; what the actually shuck is going on?"


A/N: oh shit lads here we go again. Also we're getting so close to the end! I'm going to miss my boys so much.

Does anyone else think the needs a nickname? Because I feel weird not using a name. ❤️

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