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"I dunno if my nose was deceiving me, but I could've sworn I smelt happiness. And I know that it didn't come from Peter." Derek joked lightly.

Stiles snorted, "Yeah, I was having a chat with my friends."

"Friends? I thought those losers abandoned you?" Derek questioned.

Stiles laughed slightly at Derek's choice of words before responding. "Nah, not that stupid Alpha. My friends that love a few hours away." Stiles said proudly.

"Are they good to you?" Derek asked, sounding like a parent.

"Yeah?" Stiles spoke, taken aback by Derek's tone of voice.

"Good, I don't want anyone hurting my pack." Derek said.

"If you two are done with the mushy pack stuff can we get on with training?" Peter questioned, cracking his neck. Stiles gulped nervously. Flashbacks to the lacrosse field moving through Stiles' Head.

"Go easy on the kid Peter, he's not as strong as us." Derek said sternly to Peter.

"Excuse me, I'm pretty strong!" Stiles said.

"You couldn't even fight off an angry child." Peter said sarcastically.

"No, but I can shoot a gun." Stiles spoke.

Derek quirked an eyebrow to that. "What, you think my dad didn't teach me anything?" Stiles said, sassily putting his hands on his hips.

Derek just snorted before saying a quick 'let's get started'.


A long and grueling 2 1/2 hours later and Stiles is panting on the floor of Derek's loft. "I think you killed him." Peter said, nudging Stiles stuff form with his foot.

"I'm not dead, just dying." Stiles wheezed out.

"Pup if you want to get stronger then you have to get up. You're going to be a twig for the rest of your life if you don't keep getting up." Peter said strongly to Stiles.

Pulling himself off the ground Stiles met Peters gaze. "Ready for round 5?" Stiles questioned coyly.

Peter smirked, "As ever."

(Derek stood in the back like a proud dad)


AHHHHHH LADS YALL ARE INSANE. WE RECENTLY HIT 380+ READS. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH YOUR SUPPORT MEANS THE WORLD TO ME. aight imma stop yelling now but like, thanks you guys to much. your love and support is helping me in life right now. Anywhosies, stay lovely! ❤️

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