A Dismal Day For Broken Hearts.

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Never in his entire life had the sounds of sirens sounded so sweet. They had done it. Theo and Scott had the look of a cornered animal in their eyes, they knew it was done with. All that was left was to manipulate the minds of the officers to make sure they didn't remember the bloodied bodies of the three doctors on the ground. And then, well then Stiles would be free.

And that was exactly what had happened. Scott and Theo had been charged with kidnapping, attempted murder, assualt and a lot of other crimes that would only lengthen their time behind bars. It was enough strife to Nogi for months, and enough justice to last Stiles a lifetime. Along with the two boys, Malia and Liam were charged with aiding a criminal and assault.

Lydia had been left out, her testimony enough to satisfy the court. Upon hearing the news that her son had been kidnapped, Newt's mom had almost had a heart attack and immedietly drove to Beacon Hills. As did the rest of the families of the Gladers, all thanks to Chuck of course. Newt's mom had been strict with him that he waas to never return to this town, and she gave Stiles an earful aout letting her son be taken away. Stiles was sure that under normal circumstances, she was a lovely woman.

And soon enough, the Gladers were taking their things from the loft and packing up the Jeep to return home. And Stiles was sad, oh so sad, because he knew he'd never be able to see these people again. He wouldn't be able to hear Fry ramble on about recipes, Gally almost rage quit a game because he was beat by a kid, Brenda tease Stiles, Chuck cackle about something snarky said in chat, Teresa's quick wit or even Minho chat shit about every single one of them.

And most, Stiles would miss Newt. Lovely, beautiful, kind Newt. The boy Stiles fell head over heels for in almost an instant. The boy Stiles risked his life for. The boy Stiles stood up for. Even the boy that he made a deal with a spirit for. Stiles knew it was early in their friendship, but Stiles loved Newt.

But he wouldn't be able to tell him that. So it hurt even more when Stiles yelled, screamed in the Gladers faces to leave Beacon Hills, and never return. And it broke Stiles' slowly healing heart when he could see the glittering tears roll down Newt's cheeks. In that moment Stiles wanted nothing more than to wipe them away and hug the brit.

But he didn't. And he wouldn't. Stiles sobbed as the Jeep grew farther and farther away. The Nogitsune grinning in his chest, a venom coursing through his veins reminding him of what he had done.


A/N: And that's a wrap folks! I can't believe we actually fucking finished this. There were so many times I thought about just discontinuing this fic, but then I'd get a comment from one of you lovely people and it'd fuel me to give it another shot. You guys have been with me through the highs and lows of this last year, and I can't believe you guys have enough grit to stick with me through all my shit. I love you guys, honestly.


god, im a shitty person but not that shitty. i have no idea when i'll write it, but it'll be on wattpad. so why not FOLLOW ME. because i have no shame and will plug myself. and FOLLOW ME ON ARCHIVEOFOUROWN @race_mom OR HERE: 


(wattpad is mean and won't let me put in links so just copy and paste. Also the link doesn't really work on mobile. So just look up 'race_mom ao3' if you want to find my account) but yeah, if you guys like The Walking Dead and actually well written fics by me, I suggest going to that account. Plus, if you don't use archiveofourown (also known as ao3) has so many good fics from all fandoms and is miles better than wattpad. (sorry wattpad).

I read all my comments and questions on both platforms, so feel free to ask or tell me some things. I probably respond too. Anywhosies, for the last time on this fic, stay lovely! 💖

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