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Sometimes, I look into the sky and wonder if there's somewhere better. Somewhere where I would be loved, somewhere where I would be accepted. But no matter how hard I try to find that place, I have to move again. Growing farther to finding it. I always end up moving somewhere colder then before, but now I'm going somewhere hot which is weird to me. Im really fucking pale so it will help but I love the cold, and I love seeing the leaves change. Sydney seems beautiful though. Oh fucking well I have other things to worry about.

I watched as the rain rolled down the window, collecting more droplets on its way down. It's kind of like me in a way, no matter how fast I run it always puts another memory inside my aching head until I hit the bottom. And once I hit the bottom, I cease to exist. You see, I'm a runner. Not the type of courageous runners from the "Maze Runner" trilogy, but a coward who can't deal with something for too long. The longest I've stayed in a town for is 1 year, and that was when I was little and not in the pit of hell people call "high school". I sighed thinking of all the years I've run for, that's probably why my parents got the idea to move so far, Canada to Australia that is. We are almost at the airport, thank god. They want to give me a 100% fresh start, all they want is the little life I have left to be perfect. I looked down as my phone lit up, "Where are you?" It read. I've gotten that same text from 5 different people today. I never told my "friends" I was leaving for my hands already shook from anxiety when they would make plans with me for after high school. I am in grade 12 and it's October so everyone is making plans for college. I just didn't want to make anyone sad. I opened my phone and my blonde, long hair fell in front of my grey eyes. I texted back an, "I'm sorry" to all of them and blocked there numbers.

My hands started to shake like the rails of a train track as I pushed them through my hair. "Stop putting yourself into other people's lives." I whispered to myself, my voice cracking a little. "Are you okay back there Oli?" My mom whispered, knowing exactly what was going on. I shock my head, moving my hair from my face. She smiled at my from the rear view mirror and I did my signature fake smile back. All the years of faking made me good at it. My mother was my best friend, along with my dad. They made good money but there work hours kill them, and they some how manage to take care of me and look after me. I wouldn't have made it through this if it wasn't for them. Too bad I only have a while left.

I backed up from my wall to see the finishing product, the black walls where scattered with old pictures and posters for various bands. I walked over to the wall and turned off my lights, leaving only my "christmas" lights on the head of my bed. I turned on my heels and jumped onto my warm bed, since it was so hot i was in my underwear and Panic! At the disco shirt that was way to big for my frail body. I looked up to the ceiling as the words rang though my head again. That day, that day I figured out cause everything. It caused all of this fucking suffering, but its also going to stop it. But there are perks for the situation I am in, like my parents don't give a shit if I never come home from school because nothing can be worse then what's already going on. I usually walk out to the abandoned string of houses along lake shore and watch the waves crash. Of course I can't do that anymore because now I'm somewhere else but it's funny how artistic people get when there heart is breaking and there heads are ticking, getting ready to explode.

"Its almost over." I whispered to myself, my hot breath curling up into the air. I cant wait for school tommorrow, I smirked letting a cold laugh escape my lips. It's also funny how hopeful I get, I'm done.

I walked into the school to be greeted by numerous people, I always said Good morning back. But I had to go to the meeting spot where my real friends would be waiting. I walked quickly through the stuffed up hallways and continued to greet all the guys that know me and all the girls that have wanted to get with me at least once. It's awesome but it also sucks, girls constantly trying to get into my pants can get a little annoying but when ever I want a girl there's no one that will say no. Don't ask me why I'm so "irresistible" because I have no idea why girls like me so much. I saw Michael's pink hair in the pit and ran up behind him. Calum, Luke, Scarlett and Dana where all staring at me but I quickly put a finger against my lips. They all continued to distract and talk to him as I took a few steps back, then I ran jumping on top of him. "What the fuck?!" He shouted as we crashed to the floor. Everyone busted out laughing, looking down at us. "Hello sunshine." I said sarcastically in a girly voice. "Ashton I swear to god." He said jokingly as we stood up. Once we have fully gotten up Michael pushed me back laughing, but I bumped into someone. I turned around to see a beautiful, blonde girl on the floor, drawings scattered all over the floor.

"Shit I'm so sorry." I laughed, helping her pick up all of her stuff. She didn't even look at me, her green eyes where focused on getting her stuff. I have never seen her around the school, I would have remember someone like her. She wore a black hat, a black tank top and a black skirt with white knee high socks. "I'm Ashton." I smiled as I helped her up, my dimples showing on my cheeks. She looked at me, an annoyed look on her face and walked off. I looked back at my friends and Scarlett shrugged.

I have to know her.

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