Part 2- Intriguing

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I walked into my first class, advanced English and immediately walked to the back because there was an empty desk. I sat next to this girl with very red hair, I recognized her from when that shit head pushed me over. She looked cool though. The teacher walked in a little after me and put her stuff down on the desk, "Alrighty class welcome back hope you all had a great weekend." She sung happily, well fuck I hate teachers like this. "Before we start off our new unit, I was told there is a new student in class! Can Olivia please put up her hand?" She said to the class. Oh fuck. I slowly put up my hand and put my free hand on my head. "Well hello!" She said, causing the entire fucking class to turn and look at me. "Hey." I groaned, discussed by her cheery tone. The class started to giggle and she shot me a glare, I guess that was funny for some reason. I just smiled and put my head on my desk waiting for her to start the lesson.

"I hope you where all listening," she said, "because tomorrow there will be a review test!" She said in her usually cheery tone. Everyone in the class gowned except me and the red head girl next to me. I looked over to her and she smiled, "I don't know how any of these idiots got into advanced English." She laughed, I nodded and looked back to my drawing I've been working on. "I'm Scarlett by the way, I'm glad there's someone else in this class with some balls." She giggled to me sticking out her hand, I took it and fake smiled again. She really isn't that bad. Just talk to her. I thought. "You don't talk much do you." She said, she was really pretty. Her light eyes really brought out her hair colour. "Not really." I replied, laughing a little. "I get you, your probably just a little weirded out at a new school." She said. If only she knew. I laughed a bit and nodded my head, "Just a little weird."

When class was over, I walked out the front door. I had Math next, I'll probably end up ditching it. My thoughts were interrupted with a tap on the shoulder, I spun on my heels to see Scarlett. "Um do you wanna hang out after school? I can show you around town and we can get a little drunk." She said nervously, well what else am I going to do tonight. I agreed happily and she punched her number into my iPhone. I looked down to see she had put almost a million emojis next to her name and laughed as I walked into my next class. It might be a little weird that I'm going to hang out and get drunk with a girl I just met, but
A. I could really use a drink
B. I kinda need friends.

We were learning about some stupid graphing shit that I'm pretty sure I've learned in like 8 grade, but it was still hard as shit. I raised my hand and my teacher, Mr. Walker, turned around. "Yes Olivia?" He said kindly, I cringed at his weird big smile that was plastered over his skin. "Can I go to the bathroom?" I asked, trying to sound as innocent as possible. "Of course." He replied turning his back to the bored again. I stood up, slinging my bag over my shoulder and walking out casually. "Why do you have your bag!?" He shouted after me but by then, I had gotten out of the classroom and closed the door. I heard the class erupt into laughter as I left the class and smiled proudly at myself for having some balls. Time to get the fuck out of here.

I went back to the school for my last two periods after I finished smoking against the wall to relive some stress. I walked into my art class and scanned the class for an empty seat. The only available seat was next to this girl that looked incredibly dirty, this will be fun. I sat next to her and heard her sigh. I turned to face her and she was shaking her head. "You smell like cigarettes." She laughed. "Do you have a problem with that?" I said, glaring down at her. She nodded and looked up to her. "I'm getting over going 'cold turkey' so it doesn't really help you bitch." She snickered. I was okay with her being mad because she was trying to quit smoking but she she didn't need to call me a bitch! I just laughed and looked down to my phone. "Your a piece of work honey." I snapped at her. She looked over to me and stuck out her hand, "Your not that bad fresh meat. At least there's one person in this school who isn't a push over or a whore." I shook my head in shock as her emotion changed extremely fast. Was she testing me? "I'm okay." I said pushing her hand down. "I don't like being tested by people."

We didn't say anything for the rest of the period but I can tell you this, she is an amazing artist. Her hands glided over the paper with such ease it was weird how she could make what looked like a random shape into something beautiful. Oh well she's kind of sketchy to me, like why was she testing me?

I walked through the hallway with my head down, trying not to put to much attention on myself like my first two classes. I had gone to get my guitar when I skipped because I needed it for music class. I don't know why I feel so small in a school where I am a senior, but I guess it's because I am really short. I turned the corner and walked into the music room, it was beautiful. Everyone was tuning in the instruments and playing beautiful music. I looked over to the back of the room and my head stopped thinking when I saw him. That guy that bumped into me in the hallway, Ashton. He was sitting with the rest of his guy friends, talking and laughing. I quickly walked to the other side of the room and grabbed my acoustic guitar from its case. I sighed as I realized it was completely out of tune so I quickly tuned it in. To test it out, I started playing random melodies and finger picking the advanced patterns my old teacher taught me. "That's beautiful." I heard a familiar voice say. Shit. I looked up to see Ashton looking down at me. "What do you want?" I snapped unexpectedly, why is he so compelled by me? "Gosh I just wanted to say hi again and I'm sorry for bumping into you, again." He laughed, adorable dimples popping from his cheeks. "It's fine." I said, going back to my guitar. I heard him mumble something else and I looked up at him, raising an eyebrow. "What?" I laughed. "Nothing beaut- nothing." He laughed nervously, rubbing the back of his neck. What was that about? "Are you going to at least tell me your name?" Ashton asked warily. "Nope." I quickly replied, still looking to my guitar. I felt him smile and walk back to his friends. He's cute I guess.

I don't know what it was about this girl, something about her intrigued me. Every other girl was just every other girl, but she was a colourful canvas with a plastic cover over top to stop people from seeing everything clearly. I was a little taken back by the way she snapped at me as we talked, any other girl would love to talk to me. It's weird. I'm not trying to sound cocky or anything but I'm just used to it. She was quite interesting.

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