Angel x reader

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There were times you forgot you were dating one of the most famous porn stars in all of Hell, so much so that waking up in his bed made you question reality.

Like right now. You had just woken up from a good night's rest, unable to move. 3 pairs of arms and a pair of legs were wrapped tightly around you, keeping you held close against his soft body. Pure white chest fur was pressed against the side of your face, raising and lowering as he breathed peacefully.

It took you a moment to actually remember you were dating him. After recollecting you're thoughts, you smiled and leaned in closer to the spider, nuzzling his chest fur.

He slowly began to purr and move in slight, jerking movements. One foot twitching here, two arms twitching there. A low groan rose from his chest as he rolled over, bringing you with him.

You yelled at the sudden movement and glared at the still snoozing spider. "Damn you Angel." You grumbled. You were only answered with a loud purr as Angel leaned down and nuzzled against your head.

Now, as much as you would've loved to stay in his warm embrace, your stomach was begging to be fed. Gently you ran your fingers through Angel's "hair", earning you a louder purr in response.

"Angel, Baby, it's time to get up. I'm hungry and I have a job to do." You said gently, moving your fingers to run skillfully through his chest fur. "And you need to meet up with Mimzy. You planned to meet for brunch, did you not?"

One of the spider's bi-colored eyes cracked open to look down at you. "I hate that you remind me of important plans. Why can't you just let me sleep in?" He asked, yawning and tightening his grip on you.

"Because then you wouldn't get anything done, and no one wants to date a lazy spider." You smirked, tugging Angel's chest fur teasingly. He groaned at the action and let you go free of his grip. You chuckled in triumph and sat up, scooting to the bed's edge and standing up.

Bending over to stretch, you froze as Angel wolf whistled behind you. "Nice ass babe, you been working out?"

Turning around, you glared at him as he gave a smug smirk, golden tooth on display.

You quickly grabbed a pillow and threw it at him, making him yell upon contact with his face. Huffing, you turned on your heel and walked into the bathroom, slamming the door shut.

"Babe! I'm sorry!" He exclaimed, sitting up and stretching all of his limbs.

Opening the door, you poked your head out and winked at him. "You don't have to tell me, I already know." Then you closed the door and began to get ready for the day.

Thank you once again for reading!

12 more days until Hazbin Hotel is officially released!

Have a great day/night dear readers! We are incredibly happy for you to check into our Hotel so don't forget to stay tuned for more! -Alastor

(Word count 523)

(Sorry it's so short..)

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