"Muah." Taeyeon planted her lips against the love letter. "Work your magic, baby."
Quickly turning her head around and finding herself alone in the hallway, Taeyeon urgently slipped the letter into her crush's locker.
Even when the job was done, Taeyeon's heart was beating like crazy because in a few minutes Baekhyun will open up his locker and find her confession wrapped neatly in a golden, sparkly letter with a baby blue bow to top it off.
"Oh, what's this?"
Taeyeon's ears perked up and her head poked out of her locker to the direction of Baekhyun's locker.
But what she saw wasn't Baekhyun holding her letter.
It was Tiffany Hwang. The plain, nerdy Tiffany Hwang holding her signature Taeyeon-specialized love letter with those unworthy hands and germs all over it.
Taeyeon felt her knees go weak. And now, she was on the brink of fainting, because she just realized that she had placed the letter into the locker next to Baekhyun's.
Way to go, Taeyeon. One job, you had one job and you screwed it up.
Word traveled fast, because by lunchtime the entire school had found out about Taeyeon's love note for Tiffany.
Unfortunately, Taeyeon didn't have the heart to completely crush the girl's heart by admitting that the note wasn't meant for her since the younger girl had been so excited, promising to be the best girlfriend ever.
Instead she decided to come up with the craziest solution to her problem.
Be the worst girlfriend ever, so that Tiffany would lose interest in her and naturally, a break up would be rewarded to Taeyeon.
Taeyeon was the best at everything. How hard could it be to get Tiffany to break up with her? Piece of cake.
Option 1: Be clingy.
Nothing is more suffocating than a clingy girlfriend.
"Taeyeon, I really have to work." Tiffany reminded Taeyeon as they stood behind the counter of Tiffany's workplace, also known as the ice cream shop.
Taeyeon pouted as her head slowly looked around the room to find some of their classmates. What if one of them decided to confess to Tiffany without realizing that she was already taken?
"I don't care. You're mine." Taeyeon confessed as she wrapped her arms around the latter so that she was positioned giving the girl a backhug.
She couldnt believe she just said that. Some customers might have heard it as well since their eyes were suddenly glued on Tiffany and her. Unable to take the embarrassing ordeal any longer, Taeyeon buried her face onto Tiffany's back. The warmth and softness had Taeyeon feeling slightly better surprisingly.
But it shouldn't be long before Tiffany gets upset over the unwanted attention and Taeyeon's clinginess.
"Taeyeon." Tiffany twisted in her arms so that they were now facing each other.
Taeyeon suddenly wanted to let go of the girl. It was one thing to be clingy without having to see how Tiffany was reacting to it. It was another to be clinging like a koala while face to face.