And right when Tiffany was ready to prepare the dinner for the generous girl, a thunderous door slam echoed throughout the palace paired along with loud footsteps.
Tiffany had jumped at the sound and shot her eyes over to the staircase where a blurred silhouette of Taeyeon was racing upwards. Hurriedly, Tiffany followed suit right into the grand bedroom.
"Taeyeon?" Tiffany softly whispered out when a sudden hand gripped her wrist.
"Get on the bed."
Tiffany froze and spun to the taunting dangerous voice. Her heart plummeted when her eyes locked onto the bloodstream that cascaded down the girl's face from her forehead, creating a bloody mess on her white shirt.
"Taeyeon... W-What happened?"
"Get on the bed!" Taeyeon yelled as her grip tightened on Tiffany and yelped and hurriedly obeyed.
"Taeyeon, what's wro—"
"Shut the fuck up!" Taeyeon angrily hissed. "Get on your hands and knees, now."
Tiffany quickly did what she was told and soon felt Taeyeon's calloused hands tugging down her pants and underwear.
"Taeyeon —" Tiffany questioned but was quickly interrupted with a long moan from her own mouth when Taeyeon slid her cock inside of her.
With no mercy, Taeyeon immediately escalated to a fast and rough tempo, sliding in and out of Tiffany.
"T-Taeyeon — Slow down."
"Shut up bitch." Taeyeon spat and squeezed Tiffany 's ass up to the point where her red handprints were embedded into the fragile white skin.
"Taeyeon!" Tiffany cried and tightly gripped the bedsheets underneath her.
"Fuck." Taeyeon felt into a daze and thrusted faster into Tiffany, head falling back from the relief in contrast to what just happened in one of her cases.
The blood from her head was falling onto Tiffany's back and legs along onto the white bedsheets and together it mixed with the newly formed sheets of sweat on both of their bodies. Taeyeon hurriedly panted and bit her lip as Tiffany moaned.
"T-Taeyeon, it-it hurts!" Tiffany cried out, feeling her legs start to shake while Taeyeon stretched her out. "P-Please slow down—"
Taeyeon ignored her. She was completely out of control, her cock pumping into Tiffany with such violent thrusts that the girl on her fours was thrashing back and forth up to the point where her face was pressed up to a pillow.
"Taeyeon —" Tiffany whispered with a broken voice, tears running down her cheeks as Taeyeon was in her and in another world. Tiffany closed her eyes, ignoring the unbearable pain that was happening in her lower region. She wondered what happened to the previous Taeyeon, the one she was talking about only minutes ago. The sweet and gentle Taeyeon. The one that kissed her lovingly. The one who gently touched her all over. The one who would wrap her arms around her at night and kiss her nape until she fell asleep in her embrace. With a final glance at the bleeding girl's face, she fell into a sleep of unconsciousness.
It was only when Taeyeon looked down at their legs she stopped. There was so much blood everywhere, she didn't know whether it was hers or Tiffany's. She immediately slipped out of Tiffany and glanced up at the girl whose eyes were closed.
"Tiffany?" Taeyeon's voice fell from a dangerous tone to a very soft one as she examined the sleeping girl's body.
"Tiffany?" Taeyeon asked again, even more gentle as she tucked herself up.
"T-Tiffany?" Taeyeon's lip quiver while she pushed back the brunette's sweaty locks from her forehead. "Are y-you okay?"
With no response, Taeyeon stood and left for the washroom, coming back seconds later with a few towels to clean up the mess. She cleaned herself of the blood and sweat and then Tiffany who she carefully touched to avoid hurting her again. When she saw what she had done, Taeyeon croaked out a sob and threw the towels onto the floor for later when the maids came to clean up.
"I-I'm sorry." Taeyeon spoke quietly and picked up the sleeping girl in her arms. Carefully, she kissed the girl on the forehead and brought her over to her bedroom and gently laid her down on the clean bed where she joined her with caution.
"I'm s-so sorry." Taeyeon mumbled and wiped her eyes. "I didn't mean to."
She sat up and gently caressed Tiffany 's face, a slender finger running along her jawline, her lips, and then her nose.
"I don't know what's wrong with me." Taeyeon spoke with a crack in her voice. "I don't know why I-I act like this."
she watched Tiffany 's chest gently rise and fall.
"Oh G-God, Tiffany, I'm so fucking s-sorry." Taeyeon cried. "I think I need a doctor or s-something. I don't know why I'm like this. I never m-meant to hurt you. I'm sorry. I'm so broken. I'm sorry that I'm like t-this."
Taeyeon laid down beside the girl and hesitantly placed her arms around Tiffany's waist, pulling her close to feel her calming warmth onto her front.
"You're too good for me. You're so p-perfect. Everything about y-you is amazing and I'm the freak w-who fucked up your entire life."
"I'm ruined. I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for tracking you down that night. I'm sorry for kidnapping you. I'm sorry for taking you hostage. I'm sorry for forcing you to do things against your will. I'm so sorry for destroying you. I'm so sorry for destroying your heart."
Taeyeon sobbed and brought Tiffany closer,
"And I'm so sorry that I've fallen in love with you."