Chapter 247: Love II

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Taeyeon POV

After the concert. I let my member to go first on our van because i was waiting on Tiffanywho sneak out in the crowd to watch our concert.
"ok fine TaeyeonJust dont take too long and bang Tiffany once you see her. Where going to leave you both and walk back way on the hotel" taeyeon said making me to stuck my tongue on her. Taeyeon leave without tiffany. Who look at her longingly making me to shake my head. They love each other but so afraid to tell each other and ever since the variety show that tiffany was with taeyeon didnt take that much effort to comfort tiffany like she always do but because of jealous to thaf guy she with on the vierty show.

I was waiting on her on the backstage room but she was nowhere to be found

Everyone didnt know that we have still communication with each other and the members.
Tiffany was still my girlfriend ever since Tiffany leave our group and i support her to that.
How can i not support her if its the one that make her happy and her dream that she was suceeded right now.

When i saw her enter the room. It make me smile and chukle. She was like a sexy criminal with her hoody in her head because of her jacket and a mask.
"fuck are you here to kidnap me. im willing" i said smilling and putting my hand up high.

Tiffanywas smilling went on my way, putting her hand on my neck.

"yes, im here to kidnap you baby" she said while licking my earlobe. it send thousand volt directly to my Buddy making it to harden.

i lift her up, put her on the table and capture her lips making her to gasp. it"hmmm i think im the hmmm one who will kdnap you baby sica hmm " i said between the kisses.

"hmm Taeyeon" Tiffany moan when i enter my tongue into her mouth and dry humping her.

"hmm s-sica i want you" i said between the kisses.

i lowered her jeans and rubed her cloth pussy making her to lift her head and thats the time i suck on her milky neck.

"aww hmm Taeyeon.. k-keep on keep o-on fuckTaeyeon"

"keep on what sica huh" i said teasing her. i was about to lowered her panty when suddenly the door sprung open suddenly making us to separate each other in horror and fix ourself.

when i look who it was. a sigh on relieve can be heard on me and Tiffany.

"what the fuckTaeyeon. i told you not to bang her when i saw you both. what if were not the one who enter the room. you didnt even lock the door" taeyeon said shaking her head while yoona was laughing so hard on us.

"Nice ass Tiffany " yoona said winking at her.

"Yah! I will tell seohyun!" Tiffany said scaring yoona.

Yoona's face change into a sad one once seohyun's name was mentioned. I know that yoona was a little mad at seohyun because she didnt pay much attention to her.

i gave an apologetic look on taeyeon once we are okay. we went on our van and went on our hotel didnt mind the teasing of the members that giving us.

hyoyeon invite us to get wasted tonight which we agreed including Taeyeon which was a shock on us but i understand her.

I look at Tiffany who was sleeply on my side didnt mind the talking of the members and when the its only taeyeon and tiffany. I make an excuse to leave them and talk to each other.

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