Chapter 269: Beach

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Taeyeon looked at the unknown girl with predatory eyes; scanning her figure up and down. She wore a rather short skirt that showed her beautiful slim legs and a black crop top that showed a bit of her abs and curves. Taeyeon cursed under her breath when her penis twitched in her pants.

She briefly turned back to the bar and closed her eyes tightly as she gulped down her drink and tried to calm down.

Taeyeon hadn't had sex in weeks, and she needed to find a girl. Luckily for her she did find the girl, now she just needed to seduce her.

She placed the red cup she was holding on the bar and turned back in the girl's direction. Taeyeon smirked when she saw she was still alone. With confident steps she made her way to where the girl was standing: red cup in hand looking bored. Taeyeon knew a bored girl would be easy to convince.

"Hey", she smiled as she stood in front of the shorter girl.

Big eyes turned to look at her and Taeyeon noticed her eyebrows raised when she made eye contact.

"Hey", she gave her a small smile.

"Are you here by yourself?", she put on her enchanting façade.

"Pretty much yeah, my boyfriend is nowhere to be seen nor my friends so I'm just here", she chuckled and looked in another direction as Taeyeon clenched her jaw at the mention of a boyfriend.

"Oh boyfriend? Well he's dumb for leaving a pretty girl like you out here. What's your name?", she asked with a sweet smile that could fool anyone.

"Tiffany, what's yours? And you know? He's always like that", she huffed at the last part and Taeyeon pouted slightly, wanting to show her sympathy.

"That's a beautiful name, just like you. I'm Taeyeon. Do you want to go out for a walk? You can rant to me about your boyfriend. The beach is pretty chill at this hour", she checked her watch. 9:32 pm. It was still early.

"Thank you", she blushed lightly but Taeyeon noticed.

Tiffany didn't say anything else but she started walking out the door, looking back at Taeyeon signaling her to go with her.

The night was beautiful. That's why Taeyeon liked June the most.

"Did you come here by yourself?", Tiffany broke the silence as they wandered around the beach. Away from the shore, they couldn't really walk all the way there.

"Yeah, no one wanted to come with me", she chuckled. It was a lie, she was there by herself just to see who she could take home. "But it's okay, I don't mind partying alone, even if it sounds kind of lame", she shrugged her shoulders.

"That's nice, you know? Spending time with yourself", Taeyeon nodded at her words.

The chill air hit their faces and Tiffany could feel the alcohol she had previously drunk start to make its effect on her. She sighed loudly and Taeyeon turned to her.

"Everything okay?".

"I'm just- I'm getting a bit drunk", she laughed and Taeyeon smiled.

"Do you want to go back?", she felt disappointed but she wasn't going to take advantage of her but when Tiffany shook her head she went back to smile.

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