the girls on the hotel just finish there concert and they was not yet tired that much.
"so guys were not that tired yet right so lets get wasted tonight. Who's in" hyoyeon said exitedly
"im in. Im not that tired" taeyeon said to them making them shock most of all tiffany.
Taeyeon not always come with them when it comes to drinking because of her habits and after every concert they have. She always scold them saying that celebrate it the other day which they obey and thats the time she will go with them buy not drink that much.
"wow! I didnt expect that to our kid leader" sooyoung said smilling and put her and over taeyeon's head making everyone to laugh except for tiffany who knows her bestfriend so much.
"yah! let go of me shinshik! "taeyeon said strugling on sooyoung's hold.
"lets go guys. Who wants to go with me to buy our drinks and foods" sunny said to them.
Sooyoung and yoona raise their hands making sunny to shake her head.
"haist those two. Always come with me when it comes to food."
"no im not. Im always with you sunny bunny" sooyoung said embracing her and peck her lips.
"haist those two stop flirting in front of us. And you sunny your always in charge when it comes liqour" yuri said holdibg jessica on he side who was sleepy this time making sunny to smile and stuck out her tongue to yuri.
"ok we gotta go. Bye guys" yoona said to them but after she went out she went on seohyun side who was busy reading her script for her upcoming musical and peck her lips before going out with sooyoung and sunny making them to shake their heads.
"im going to call on hotel service to add on our dish " hyoyeon said and leave them.
"yeahh me too. I have something to do too. Lets go sica" yuri said dragging jessica on their room.
They all know that there was something between on taeyeon and tiffany but the two person was so idiot to say there feelings to each other saying that they dont want to broke there friendship.
Taeyeon always go with yuri,yoona and sooyoung and hyoyeon to say her feeling about tiffany while tiffany always go with jessica,sunny and seohyun saying her feelings about taeyeon. So they all know whats going on.
Taeyeon stand up didnt say anything to tiffany and went on her and tiffan's room.
Tiffany have a big sigh and went on their room. There she is lying on the bed pretending that she was sleeping.
Tiffany knows that taeyeon was still awake. She went on her side and talk to the girl.
"taetae whats wrong talk to me" tiffany said with a pleading voice making taeyeon to face her and look at her.
"what are you talking about. Nothings wrong "taeyeon said not looking at her."
"haist. I know you kim taeyeon. Why are you avoiding me this past month. did i do something wrong" tiffany was really sad saying it.
"im not avoiding you." taeyeon denys
"please taetae. Tell me whats wrong its killing me. You know that your important to me and i miss you" tiffany said with a hurtful face making taeyeon to feel guilt and happy because she said that she miss her.