Taeyeon let out a shaky breath as she entered the bathroom, making sure to lock the door behind her.
She placed her hands on each side of the sink and looked down to try and calm herself down. Sweat was dripping down her forehead and chest due to the show that had just ended but also because she was by far turned on.
The young woman had no idea what had happened. She had seen her band mates dance sexily countless of times, so why did she feel this way now?
The throbbing inside her pants was starting to hurt, her member begged to be freed.
"Fuck", she whispered closing her eyes tightly to try and forget about what she had seen but even with her eyes closed she could only see the sway of Tiffany's hips and the way she bit her lip when looking at the crowd.
She unconsciously bucked her hips in the air and almost moaned when the surface of the sink brushed against her crotch.
Taeyeon knew she had to do something about it but she couldn't jerk off in that place, there was no way. And she wasn't sure if she could make it all the way back to the hotel.
She looked down at her crotch and instantly groaned in frustration when she noticed that her bulge had become more visible and was impossible that people didn't notice.
"Fuck you stupid hormones and fuck you stupid useless underwear", she was really mad about the fact that the special undergarment she wore wasn't doing what it was supposed to do: hide her member.
Taeyeon turned around looking for a solution to her problem but in that exact moment someone knocked on the door and she cursed under her breath when the person spoke.
"Unnie? Are you okay in there?", Tiffany's voice rang from the other side of the door and Taeyeon huffed.
"Uh- yes! Yes, I'm okay. I'll come out in a second", she said as calmly as she could.
She heard Tiffany say something she couldn't quite understand and then heard her footsteps fade away.
"Wait, Tiffany!", she yelled before the younger disappeared. The leader really needed this favor if she wanted to come out without her dick being exposed.
The main dancer stopped in her tracks and quickly returned to her previous location.
"Yes, unnie?", she asked softly.
Taeyeon bit her lip and sighed.
"Can you uhm bring me my black hoodie? You know which one, right?", she asked hoping Tiffany wouldn't ask why.
Tiffany furrowed her brows, Taeyeon was acting strange but she decided not to say anything so she wouldn't make her feel uncomfortable.
"Uhh sure, I'll be right back".
Taeyeon waited impatiently for the girl to come back and when she finally did she literally snatched it from the girl's hand, her arm being the only thing seen by the younger girl. She said a quick thank you and shut the door again.
She took a deep breath as she prepared herself.
The leader unbuttoned the tight leather jeans she was wearing and pulled them down just above her knees. She then proceeded to pull down her underwear and she let out a relieved sigh when she did so.