Chapter 3

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     I quickly but carefully made my way downstairs to the throne room with the train of my dress drifting on the floor, the silk fabrics felt like cool water lapping at my skin, not making a single noise as I walked. As I got closer to the throne room, I could hear an annoying snobby voice.

     "Why isn't she here yet? Does she not know? Does she not have a sense of time? What a poorly raised child!"

     "Lady Delphia. How many times must I tell you that I sent her on an errand. An errand that stays between royals and nobles."

     Mother's voice rang through the room as she hid my real reason for being late. It was obvious by her tone that she is sick and done with Delphia's pointless banter and horrible judgement. I knocked on the door and the guards pulled it open for me. I thanked them as I entered and they mouthed a "good luck" to me. The doors shut behind me as I walked to my spot beside my mother.

     "Ah. There's the problem child," Delphia scoffed.

     My parents, Mila, the Willowgard family, and a Straftor girl whom I have not met before rolled their eyes. My mother beckoned the Straftor girl to stand before her.

     "Eldegarde. I'd like to introduce you to Marie. A Straftor, as you know."

     Marie courtisied, "I am the utmost pleased to meet you, Your Highness."

     I saw her family sigh and shake their heads in utter disappointment. She's different from the rest of them. Maybe I should be friends with her. I thought. Giving her a gentle kind smile, I told her.

     "I am very pleased to meet you as well. Lady Marie."

     My words and expression shocked everyone around the room. Save for my mother and sister. I'm not usually very nice to Straftor family. And when I do use titles, a tone of mockery usually comes with it.

     "If I may, Lady Marie. How old are you?" I asked.

     "14. Your Highness."

     "Oh! So you're younger than Eldegarde by two years. My. So young and very well mannered."

     Marie blushed at Mother's compliment. At that moment, I felt bad for Marie. Mother not only complimented her, but that was also her way of mocking Delphia. Or anyone she doesn't particularly like. Only those who knows my mother well would understand the meanings behind her words. A small smile graced my father's lips under my mother's "compliment". I looked at Delphia to see a triumphant smile. I smirked, knowing that she didn't realize that was never really a compliment.

Eldrid Court Survival #1:

     To hide the fact that you are insulting someone, use another subject or object and use positive words that indirectly ties in with your target. Positive to those who do not know this skill, but getting the actual message for those who do.

     I gotta admit. So far, this meeting has been going quite well and humorously.

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