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Seokjin runs hand through his hair. Jungkook seems to be more fidgety and nervous, and Seokjin feels bad. But he doesn’t regret it. Not yet. It doesn’t mean it’s okay seeing Jungkook and Yoongi like this though.

“Hyung, we need to leave.” Namjoon says, looks somewhat drained as well.

Yoongi lets out an exasperated sigh. Palms covering his damp face, Yoongi doesn’t answer. He looks down, closing his eyes. It makes Seokjin nervous. Yoongi is thinking. Whatever he is thinking, Seokjin knows it’s not good one.

“You can leave, Namjoon. But I will stay here.” Yoongi mumbles eventually without looking at Namjoon. He stares at Seokjin instead, eyes determined but wounded.

Namjoon gasps. “Hyung, no. It’s over. Come on. We have an interview.”

“Is there anything you wanna say, Hyung?” Yoongi asks, his voice sounds so low that Seokjin almost couldn’t catch it.

“I’m sorry.” Seokjin means it. His eyes glassy. “I’m sorry for doing this to you, Yoongi-ah. I hurt you, I hurt Jungkook. I’m sorry.”

Yoongi nods faintly. “That’s all I need to hear.” He turns to Namjoon. “You can leave without me, Joon.”

Namjoon massages his temple, his body screams distressed. “He cheats on you, Yoongi hyung. You can’t do this to yourself.”

Seokjin shifts in his seat uncomfortably. He knows what’s on Yoongi’s mind. He should’ve known better. He glances Jungkook. The boy looks even more wrecked than himself.

“Hyung.” Now Namjoon sounds desperate. “We worked so hard for this. This chance won’t come twice. A TV Program wants us to be there, it’s our dream. Please come with me.”

“It was our dream.” Yoongi snarls. “I produced music for Seokjin hyung. I rather gave up my dream than him.”

Seokjin lets his head falls backward. Jungkook bites his nail, watching Yoongi and Namjoon with horrified eyes. The older motions Jungkook to sit next to him. Jungkook obeys, his fingers play with the hem of Seokjin’s pajama. The older just realizes he didn’t even change his pajama.

“You will give up everything for someone that cheats on you?” Namjoon raises his voice, but everyone can hear how disappointed he sounds. “Seokjin hyung doesn’t deserve youꟷ”

“Don’t talk about him like that, Joon.” Yoongi warns.

Namjoon flies a glare to both Seokjin and Jungkook.  “And stop looking at Jungkook like that. You scare him.” Yoongi adds. Jungkook moves closer to Seokjin. His fingers still tugging the older’s hem, too devastated to utter anything.

“I will leave.” Namjoon finally utters. “So you all can talk. But there’s no way I will let you throw everything you’ve worked so hard, Hyung. I’m gonna find an excuse for your absent.” He then glares at Seokjin once again. “Have a good day.”

Namjoon makes his way out. Seokjin can sense how Jungkook’s body relaxed at his side. He understands that sentiment. It’s their bubble that no one can interfere. Namjoon shouldn’t be here at the beginning. But again, he shouldn’t have cheated on Yoongi, Seokjin thinks bitterly.

“You need to shower, Hyung.” Yoongi looks at him, smiling faintly.

Unfortunately, Seokjin knows Yoongi too well not to realize what he is trying to do. “Let Jungkook go to his room.”

“No, you can go, Hyung. I wanna talk to Yoongi hyung.” Jungkook finds himself say. Seokjin frowns.

Seokjin can’t remember when was the last time he argued with Yoongi. But years ago, everytime they argued, they would leave Jungkook out of it. They knew how hurt it feel to take side for one of them, so it’s better to fight only with the relevant one. But now Yoongi tries to involve Jungkook. Seokjin knows why. He wants Jungkook to take his side. Seokjin wonders how will it affect him if Jungkook truly takes Yoongi side. He has prepared his heart to lose both Yoongi and Jungkook. He has prepared the first thing he will say to Taehyung once he gets the chance. He wants to be selfish, just for this.

Then Seokjin thinks about Yoongi’s mind. No, this is not the only one plan Yoongi has. Seokjin is convinced of it. But he can’t read another plan Yoongi is building now. One thing he knows, when Yoongi is determined to have something, the producer will sacrifice everything to get it. That thought stresses Seokjin out.

“I only need a minute to talk, Yoongi. Please, listen to me.” Seokjin clears his throat. “I don’t need to shower now.”

Yoongi stiffens. He looks away, but then he nods.

“Yoongi-ah.” Seokjin hates how his voice trembles. “Let’s just be a good friend to each other like we used to be. I will support you no matter what.”

Jungkook chokes, his nail digging into Seokjin’s flesh. Holding his breath, he peeks out Yoongi’s face to see him sheds a tear. But Yoongi seems composed for someone who’s crying, his forehead creases as if he’s contemplating something.

“I will do better.” Yoongi whispers. “I will stop working, Hyung. We can go everywhere you want, I can even sell that studioꟷ”

“That’s not what I want, Yoongi-ah.” Seokjin cuts him off. “That’s your life.”

“Then what do you want me to do, Seokjin hyung?” Yoongi takes the older’s hand to intertwine it. It fits perfectly, just the way they mean to be. They still mean to be, Yoongi assures himself. Seokjin rubs his knee unknowingly with his free hand.

“Let me go, Yoongi.” Seokjin utters. “That’s what I want.”

“No.” Yoongi answers without thinking. “Let me try, Hyung. Please.”

Seokjin turns, seeing Jungkook purses his lips. The youngest looks at Yoongi with the face Seokjin knows so well. Jungkook is hurt and sad. He might spend most of the time with Seokjin, but it doesn’t mean Jungkook will let everyone hurt Yoongi. It cracks Seokjin’s wall a bit.

“Yoongi-ah.” Seokjin exhales. “I told Taehyung I will come back to him. I even kissed him. That’s what I did when I chased after him.” He looks away, can’t stand Jungkook’s or Yoongi’s eyes for the salt he just dropped to their open wound.

“Iꟷ I need to goꟷ” Jungkook stutters, tripping over his own foot.

“When will you support me, Jungkook-ah?” Yoongi whispers, stopping Jungkook. The younger turns around, and Seokjin can see how guilt reaching his bambi eyes. “I only want you to be here. I just ask that. You love Seokjin hyung more, I’m okay. You live with him, I’m more than fine with that. But why I did I do that I don’t deserve your support for this? You apologized to me, is that because you let Seokjin hyung cheated on me?”

“What do you mean, Yoongi? What apologizeꟷ”

Yoongi turns to Seokjin, cheeks wet with tears. “He apologized to me the day you went out with Taehyung. You see? Even if you cheated on me, he won’t stand for my side.”

Seokjin rubs his face. He feels worn out. “I can’t do this anymore, Yoongi-ah. Even if I don’t have Jungkook’s support, I won’t stay. Stop making it looks like Jungkook’s fault. It’s my fault.”

“He looks so much happier with Tae hyung.” Jungkook dreamly says.

“Jungkook, don’t say anythingꟷ” Panic jumps to Seokjin’s throat.

Jungkook raises his hand. “I’m sorry for making you feel like I betray you, Hyung. But I want to give Seokjin hyung chance to be happy. I want give him happiness he deserves. And that happiness is not you. I never saw him selfish enough to stop us dictating his life choice. Now let him be.”

Seokjin’s chest tightens at his remark. Jungkook understands. At least someone understands him. It means a lot than it seems. Yoongi looks like he’s more surprised than betrayed.

“I said I will do better.” Yoongi mumbles, looking down at his lap. “Why can’t you give me second chance, Hyung?”

“Yoongi,” Seokjin sighs, suddenly hoping he’s still drunk now. “I was the one that cheated on you, why are you asking for second chance?”

“You cheated on me because we rarely had a moment together. I promise youꟷ”

“Hyung.” Jungkook sits down again. “It needs two to unite, but only need one to break up.”

Yoongi clenches his jaw. “If I give up on him, it means I lost not only a  boyfriend, but also two best friends.”

“I will always be your best friend, what are you even talking about?” Jungkook buts in, sounds offended.

“You hardly acted like one, what do you mean?” Yoongi challenges Jungkook.

The youngest looks baffled. “And you hardly acted like Seokjinie’s boyfriend, what do you mean?” He yells in anger. “I asked you to call him, to stop by just to check up on him, I even asked you to have vacation together, I said he missed you, and what have you done for it?”

Jungkook pulls his knees up and hides his face. Seokjin reaches out his back to caress it, he stares at Yoongi who bites his lips.

“It’s not your fault, Yoongi-ah.” He softly says. “It’s not an excuse for me to cheat. I should’ve talked about it with you.”

“Why didn’t you?” Yoongi asks.

“Because I knew you would’ve dropped your dream, just like what you said minutes ago. I support you to reach your dreams more than anything, you know? That’s what I love the most from you.” Seokjin smiles sadly. “But it seems like it’s even worse now. I’m sorry. I caused this.”

Yoongi’s eyes sparkle a bit. “Stay with me. And I will make my dreams come true. Our dream.”

Jungkook pulls his head up, looking at Yoongi in disbelief. “Are you threatening him, Hyung?”

“I’m making compromise, Kookie.” Yoongi opposes.

“It sounds like a threat in my ears.” Jungkook’s face reddens. “You are saying you will give up on your dreams if Seokjin hyung leaves you so he can die in guilt?”

“Kookie.” Seokjin strokes his arm, but the younger yanks it harshly. Seokjn exhales shakily.

The sound coming from Seokjin’s room breaks the silence. Seokjin takes a look at Yoongi and Jungkook, and he walks away towards his bedroom. He finds his phone inside his coat pocket. He suddenly thinks of Taehyung. He might call the boy after this. He’s determined to win this. He can be stubborn and selfish too.

The caller’s name makes Seokjin’s heart beats faster. “Halo?”

“Seokjinie!” She squeals in joy. “How are you, Darling?”

Seokjin bites his lips. “I’m fine, Eomoni. How about you?”

“I’m blooming in happiness, Baby. I can’t believe you two make it! I’m so proud of you!” She continues. Seokjin’s hand is shaking. Suddenly he feels something is wrong.

“What do you mean, Eomoni?” Seokjin paces into living room, both Yoongi and Jungkook look at him. Yoongi smiles triumphantly. What has he done? Seokjin can’t think anything.

“I just watched an interview of … who is it? Yoongi’s friend? RM? Too bad Yoongi couldn’t be there. But I’m so happy though.”

Seokjin stops midway, looking at Yoongi with opened mouth. Jungkook frowns, sensing the distress evaporating from Seokjin.

“Eomoni, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Seokjin tries to hold his anger and cry. His heart thumps loudly, muscles tense that it starts to sore.

“Yoongi haven’t told you? The most expected drama will be using all Yoongi and RM music. And RM says one of it was written by you, from the poem you gave for Yoongi. You’re copyright holder too, Seokjin-ah. And you know what’s more exciting? One of the singer is your favorite!” She snorts. “I wonder why Yoongi doesn’t tell you this? That boy is annoying.”

Seokjin grips the phone tighter. He widens his eyes, his breath gets heavy.

“Hyung? Who is it?” Jungkook steps closer, worried and concerned.

“Ohꟷ” Seokjin chokes up. “Today is Valentine’s Day. I guess Yoongi wants to surprise me.”

“I’m glad to hear that. My son is really in love with you, after all.” She proudly says. “Visit me soon, yeah? With my baby Kookie, too. I miss him. And tell Yoongi to call me please, that brat couldn’t even talk to me for a minute though phone.”

“Yes, Eomoni.” Seokjin’s voice cracked. “See you soon.”

“I love you, Seokjin-ah. Stay with Yoongi forever, please.”

There’s a lump inside Seokjin’s throat as he reciprocates. “I love you too, Eomoni.”

He ends the call. And Seokjin sobs. He falls into Jungkook’s embrace. The younger takes Seokjin’s phone out of his grip, his eyes scanning the latest call. He frowns as he sees the caller. It’s Yoongi’s mom.

“What happened, Hyung?” Jungkook worriedly asks.

Hiccupping, Seokjin doesn’t answer Jungkook. He glances Yoongi instead. “Are you planning this?”

“Partly.” Yoongi calmly replies. Hell yes. Yoongi rarely talks to his mother about their relationship, but if he involves her on this, then it means Yoongi already expected something bad will happen.

“Why are you doing this to me?” Seokjin cries out over Jungkook’s shoulder. “You know I can’t win over your mom.”

Jungkook turns to shot Yoongi a glare. “Are you using your mom now?”

Yoongi sighs. “I told her to watch the interview, Kookie. That’s all. I didn’t even know I wouldꟷ” He looks away. “ꟷsee him with someone else.”

Seokjin sees Taehyung’s shadow fades before his eyes. There’s no way he can win over this. He can read Yoongi’s move now. If he can’t win with his own weapons, he will definitely gather all weapons from Seokjin’s weakness. Yoongi and Jungkook already weakens Seokjin enough, but Yoongi’s mom is another story. It’s not only she loves Seokjin a lot, but it’s also otherwise, Seokjin can’t imagine disappoint her. She’s like her own mother. And she had heart attack once, for God’s sake. Seokjin is terrified of what Yoongi capable of doing.

“Don’t tell Eomoni.” Seokjin mumbles, face still ducked in Jungkook’s shoulder. He then looks up. “Don’t tell him I cheated on you.”

Yoongi tilts his head.

“I will not meet Taehyung. Let’s start over again.” Seokjin declares, defeated and tired.

“Hyung, no.” Jungkook whispers. “Iꟷ”

“You heard him, Kookie.” Yoongi cuts him off, standing up and stretches out. “I bring my songs, can we listen to them, please?”

Seokjin stumbles backward, letting Jungkook stares at him with unreadable face. “You want me to take my laptop?”

“Yes, please. Thank you, Hyung.” Yoongi smiles wide.

Seokjin walks away, disappear into his bedroom. Jungkook takes a deep breath. “Do you want something to drink, Hyung?”

“Just cold water, Kook. Thank you.” Yoongi lets out his gummy smile. But it doesn’t comfort him the way it used to.

Jungkook storms into the kitchen. Instead of opening the fridge, he goes to the sink. Opening the tap, he splashes water to his face and cries. He closes his mouth, and he opens the tap wider. The sound echoes to the entire apartment, muffling his sob.


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