Chapter 4-Amortentia and Confessions

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The following day Draco walked into the Potions class before his senses were filled with the scent of peaches, parchment, the forest and lilacs. "For Salazars sakes, why the hell did Baby Potter bathe in her perfume today." Everyone, including Snape looked at Draco wide-eyed. "What??" He snapped, before realising that Helena was not in the class at all. "Sorry I'm late Professor Snape, Professor Riddle needed to speak to me I have a note" Draco noticed Helena's nose scrunched up like she would do, when she smelt something strong "Merlin and Godric Draco, lay off the bloody hair gel and cologne would you" she said as everyone looked at her with their mouths agape. "Well" came Severus's drawl, "this is Amortentia, it is said to smell like the person you love most in this world." Draco and Helena turned bright red, Draco was being glared at by Pansy, while Helena, as Draco noticed, was being held by Blaise comfortingly. As his eyes rested on her delicate hands, he inhaled sharply, Helena was wearing the Zabini Signet ring on her left finger, "Mr Malfoy, is there a reason for you to inhale that way?" Snape asked with a quirk of the eyebrow. Draco's temper got the better of him, "Yes Professor I do actually, why the hell is Helena wearing the Zabini ring!" The entire class turned to look at Draco through the outburst, Helena was red and Blaise continued to hold her in support. "Malfoy I don't think you can tell her or ask her any thing anymore" Hermione spoke up, the professor and the rest of the students nodding in agreement. "Helena you smelt me in that potion, and you're telling me you're going to wear that ring?!" Draco exclaimed as Helena's eyes slitted as she glanced to the side, "that's my regret, I still love a prat like you. Blaise treats me better Malfoy, now please, stop making a fool of yourself" and the class became quiet as they continued taking notes.

Fred,George, Blaise, Harry, Hermione, Ron and Ginny were all watching Helena help Neville and Luna with their DADA homework, they were thankful that the couple were helping them by distracting her while they were discussing something important. "Guys I mean, I love Helena, never get me wrong, but she and Draco belong to each other no matter what you all say." Blaise said with finality, the Weasley twins nodded their heads while Hermione raised her eyebrows like it obvious. "But they're both as stubborn as mules, I mean Draco is like that because of pride, but Helena, when she's mad she can hold a grudge and is worse than Harry" Ron said with a flourish, Harry agreed before he realised what Ron said,  "Hey" he hit Ron playfully on the arm while Ginny rested her head on his shoulder. "I have an idea. We talk to them when they're super busy, you know how Helena gets when she's doing homework, and just start asking them about the subject, before slowly slipping in questions about the other. They would never realise it." Ginny said while Hermione looked contemplative before snapping her fingers, "well we'll ask Helena, you guys ask Draco. We'll record it and show the other." Blaise nodded in agreement as they all set out for their missions.

Hermione, Ginny and Luna, found Helena in the Library doing her Arithmancy and Astrology homework. Hermione grinned, knowing the girl would be a bit preoccupied when asked the questions. As Ginny and Luna were younger they decided they'd ask the questions and quickly pulled out parchment as decoys, while Hermione set up her wand to record. "Hey Helena", the girl nodded to greet as the 4th year Gryffindors sat down with Hermione pretending to read. "We need help with Astrology and Hermione said you're the best" Luna said, her dreamy voice soothing the erratic girl. "Okay shoot" Helena said as she scribbled on her parchment. "Okay so the bright star in the sky found almost every night in the shape of the dog is?" Ginny asked, smirking because she knew. "Sirius" came the answer, "and the rows of stars together" Luna questioned, "Orion's belt." Ginny slipped in a silly question, "and Draco's star sign is?" Helena didn't do much as flinch when she answered, "Gemini." "How come?" "Because he's born on the 5th of June." "Does he like coffee or tea?" "Well tea because caffeine makes him sleepy. "How does he like it?" "Black, three sugars and he likes Jasmine tea." "Why doesn't he like coffee?" "Not that he doesn't like it, he drinks it but not a lot." And when he does drink it how does he take it?" "If you asked him, he'd say as black as his soul. Which really means strong milk coffee, two sugars extra cream." The girl chuckled as she wrote. "Okay and do you love him?" "Oh of course I do, always have always will." "What do you love about him?" "Well he's intense I can say that for sure, and everyone's sees him as stuck up and proud, but all he wants to do is to make his father proud. He doesn't see how much pride his father has for him already. Draco, underneath it all, is quiet and studious, he's charming, funny, a prat at times, but he makes up for it by the way he charms me." "Do you want to get back together to with him?" Helena's quill hesitated over the parchment for a second before she bit down at the edge and continued, "I do, but I don't like being treated like I'm nothing but something to be seen and not heard, I have my own opinions I have my own life. He didn't like me the way I was before, and he didn't care, now that I'm different and with someone who actually cares about me, he demands answers from me. And the funny thing is,Blaise loves me, and I can't find it in my heart to love him the way he wants me to." Helena finished her homework and her face was set back to normal as she looked at the girls looks of surprise. "Whats wrong, did I not help with the homework enough?" The girls shook their heads, "no no you helped." And the three girls smiled.

On the other side of Hogwarts, the boys asked Draco to help them, which he begrudgingly agreed. "So you add ashwinder eggs and?" Ron asked. "Stir counter clockwise three times, then wait for it to simmer" Draco said, not taking his eyes off his Potions essay. The boys grinned, "And when you smell Amortentia?" "It smells like the things you love most about a person." "and what do you smell?" "Peaches, parchment, the forest and lilacs." "Is that how Pansy smells?" "Salazar no." "Then who?" "Helena of course." "So you love her?" "Merlin yes, always will." "Then why cheat?" "I guess I took it for advantage that no matter how I acted she'd always be there for me, I thought she was boring and restrictive, but here I am swallowing my words seeing the way she is." "What do you love about her?" "That's simple, everything, her eyes, her smile, her innocence. Have you lot noticed, when she has any set of emotions, her eyes automatically shine, how when she sees something that makes her smile her face lights up. How kind she is to others, I could do anything for her," "Do you want her back?" "Stupid question. Of course I do. Already broke it off with Pansy." The boys grinned as Draco continued with his work, oblivious to what was going on.

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