Chapter 6: Beorn

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As soon as dusk fell, we reached the bottom of the mountain. There we decided to stay for the night. Óin and Gloin made a campfire. It was that night around the campfire that we were formally introduced to everyone. We also told them a little about where we were from and how we all came from different planets, which blew their minds.

"So you believe that Smaug, the dragon, is allies with this evil Sith Lord by the name of Dooku?" Thorin asked, rather baffled.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but I can't shake off the feeling that he's here to recruit allies for his cause...for the war." I explained.

"The war?" Fili repeated.

"Miona's talking about the Clone Wars. The war between the Republic and the Separatists." Bilbo clarified.

"And how would you know that?" Anakin asked.

"Neria and I told Bilbo, he was intrigued to know all about our galaxy." I informed them.

"If you're in a war, then why did you come here?" Gloin inquired.

"We heard that Dooku is here on this planet. And if we can capture Dooku, then we have a good chance of ending the war." Obi-Wan explained.

"If only it were that easy." Ahsoka commented.

At that moment, I heard a noise coming from my belt. I took out my holoprojector to see a hologram coming in. It was Master Yoda and Master Windu.

"Master Yoda, Master Windu." I greeted.

"Glad we are, to have reached you." Master Yoda mentioned.

"Have you found Dooku yet?" Master Windu questioned.

"No, but we believe we have a clue on where he may be." Obi-Wan assured them.

"It will take us a long while, Masters." Anakin added. "But we'll find him."

"If we do not hear from you then we shall send a search party." Master Windu said.

"Give you four months, we will. May the Force be with you all." Master Yoda advised.

"Thank you Masters, we will not fail you." I stated.

The hologram then faded. Once the hologram ended, I put the holoprojector back in my belt. Bilbo, the dwarves, and even Gandalf looked at the machine in awe.

"What kind of magic was that?" Bofur asked.

"Oh it was just a hologram. It's simple technology that we use back home to communicate." I clarified.

"Like sending a raven?" Óin suggested.

"Sure, it's the same concept." I replied.

Anakin scoffed. "That's nothing. Just wait until we tell them more about our lightsabers."

Anakin took out his lightsaber and tossed it up in the air, trying to impress the company. However when he tried to catch his lightsaber, he fumbled around with it until it fell to the ground.

"Nice job, Sky Guy." Ahsoka teased him.

We all laughed at Ahsoka's words. Ever since the war began, moments like this became scarce. And whenever they did happen, I would do my best to hold onto those moments. However Master Yoda warmed me to not hold onto the past as I couldn't move forward to the future. But how could I? Those moments are what get me through the most difficult times in my life.


Days had gone by and the company had become our friends. They had no longer stared at any of us like we were foreign creatures. All of them were fascinated about our galaxy, wanting to know more about our technology, cultures, planets, the history and much more. My thoughts were interrupted by Thorin's voice. "How close is the pack?"

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