Chapter Fourteen

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Sinb ran until she was tired, gritting her teeth as she sat down, hugging her knees.

She couldn't believe it. Any piece of it.

That her idol eonnie and Yong Sun are the same people.

She watched her idol eonnie fall down, dead, and now she was standing alive? Sinb couldn't fathom how angry she was.

She couldn't--

"It was foolish of you to ran away like that, Sinb." Moon Byul Yi said, catching up to the girl as she sat next To Sinb, who didn't try to run.

"I just... I just couldn't believe it. You don't know her that well as you think you do, eonnie. She's my idol eonnie, back in the syndicate. To see her alive... I begin to think and speculate if the others are alive as well. Saeron... Eunseo... What if they're alive? "

"You have to accept everything, Sinb. And... That what I'm about to do will upset you. Really upset you. But I have to do this so you guys could destroy the syndicate in the future." Moonbyul said, making Sinb curious--

A gunshot was heard through the night, Sinb falling down, the word traitor all on her mind as she watched Moonbyul look at her, dropping the gun beside her as Sinb watched her go, pain all over her body as she coughed blood, bleeding on the street.

The last thing she saw was Yerin, her Yerin, running towards her, as she willed herself to say last words...

"Y-Yerin eonnie... I love... I love you..."


Yerin cried.

She cried, for the first time in years, as she thought she couldn't do so, but she could now.

She couldn't erase the image of Sinb bleeding to her death. Had she been a second late, Sinb would be really dead.

Sinb's blood flecked her shirt, as she stood outside the emergency room and waited, waited and waited and waited.

"Yerin-ah, you have to eat." Sojung reminded, but Yerin waved her off, still standing near the emergency room.

"Since when are you worried about Sinb?" Joohyun asked, curious as she saw Yerin watching the younger one night.

"Since you two came in the agency." Yerin said shortly, intent on watching the younger sleep peacefully.

"Hmm... Do you like her?" Joohyun said, Yerin's cheeks tingling red but she silently nodded, Joohyun smiling.

"Then take care of her."

Yerin felt like she broke a promise.

She was there when Yong Sun told Sinb the truth that she was alive, that Sinb's idol eonnie was alive, she was there when Sinb was gripping her hand until it went numb, she was there when Sinb ran away.

Why did she let go of her hand?

If she didn't, then Sinb would still be with her, she thought.

The doctor soon emerged from the emergency room, his expression grim as he went straight to Yerin.

"She's out of danger, but she went into comatose. We do not know when she will wake up, just that we will monitor her status." The doctor said, leaving as Yerin sank down her knees, Sojung going to her.

"Eonnie... They said she's in a comatose... I can't lose her..." Yerin said, making Sojung shocked but she shrugged the feeling away as she comforted the girl.

"She will survive, Yerin-ah."

Seulgi then moved closer, Yerin moving to her and kneeling down.

"Eonnie... Tell Joohyun eonnie that I'm sorry, I didn't keep her promise of protecting Sinb..." Yerin mumbled, Seulgi gritting her teeth as she pulled the younger upward.

"We have to move Sinb away from Seoul. And you two, you have to go." Seulgi said, and Yerin noticed she was in a rush, distressed.

"Why? What happened?"

"Joohyun discovered that Moonbyul was the one who shot Sinb, and that she was the daughter of the fourth leader of the syndicate. Joohyun... She surrendered herself to the syndicate in exchange of us being exiled away from the major cities of South Korea, and not getting killed. " Seulgi said, as Sojung gasped, Yerin still having questions.

"What exactly is happening? Why are you so rushed--"

"The government fell to the hands of the syndicate. They'll turn South Korea into a dictatorship overnight, so we have to hurry up and go." Seulgi said, as Yerin gasped, the doctors going outside and nodding at Seulgi, as they carefully moved Sinb.

"You should go with them. Sojung-ssi, I've arranged you and Eunha to go to other places." Seulgi said, as Sojung nodded, Yerin looking at her leader and eonnie, feeling scared for the first time.

Sojung noticed this, and hugged the younger.

"We'll get through this. You'll still meet us, in the future. Just go with Sinb and protect her, alright?" Sojung said, as Yerin nodded, hugging her one last time, and went to the direction where Sinb went.

"We'll get through this." Yerin said, as they ran away.


Four years.

It has been four years since the fall of the government of South Korea.

The major cities of South Korea were controlled, building borders from the other cities that were deemed too poor for the syndicate.

The five leaders, namely Bae Joohyun, Myoui Haruka, Eric Nam, Moon Byul Yi and Hwang Yeji took charge of everything, controlling the people and putting the cities in dictatorship, everything controlled and having no absolute freedom.

Haejung Agency was dissolved when Joohyun surrendered to the syndicate, Moonbyul presuming the fourth leader's position after she shot Sinb and Joohyun also inheriting the position from her father, while Yong Sun went missing, the others presuming that she died.

The syndicate succeeded in their main mission, and anyone who dared to fight back were immediately killed, resulting in almost a fourth of the country's population wiped out.

Hope seemed to be lost, as thy had suffered for four years, salvation from the syndicate seeming to be gone.

Where had the girls gone?

Is this the end?

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