chapter one

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Simi POV

I stood there watching my little bun walk down to school , he stopped and turned around before going in , his lovely brown skin , his curly dark hair and those wonderful brown eyes , he waved at me and then I waved back. It's been four years now since I left , since I moved away from those who hurt and betrayed me the most , Thomas who I named after my dad of blessed memory , gave me a reason to live I kept staring at his back until he was out of site , after a while I stared at my watch.

"Shoot I'm late " before hurridely stopping a taxi


"Simi" I heard Mrs Barbara call out

"You're twenty minutes late" she said  trying her best to look annoyed, I looked at the blonde aged lady in front of me

" I'm so sorry " I replied pretending to be scared which earned me a chuckle from how

" How's my little gangster doing?"

" Thomas is one hell of a problem , he made me stand and watch him till he got into his class" I said grabbing a half apron and tying it around my waist .

" That's our little Tommy for you, and here comes our first customer" she said winking at me .

I knew what this means, it was Nathan , he's being a very good friend and support ever since I moved from Australia to New York City, though I Know he wants to be more than friends , I know what you're saying , it's four years not enough? , but I need time.

"Hi Nate"

" Hi Simi"

" So what can I get for you?" I said trying to my best to act professional

" An espresso and my specialty" he says imitating my tone

" Coming right up" I chuckled before going to get his order read.

After my shift was over I headed out saying my goodbyes to everyone and going to pick Tommy up

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