chapter seven

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Simi POV

I stood in front of the house that I ran away from four years, I'm I dreaming someone please wake me up from this horrible nightmare.

The door flung open giving me a glimpse of the William's mansion , I should actually be stunned as Tommy who stood with his mouth open but it wasn't my first time .

" Simi" I turned around to meet a familiar green eyes .

"Stacy" I said facing her, the only woman who ever supported me, she looked elegant , she's definitely one of a kind, she's in her fifties and still look ever charming, sometimes I couldn't help but wonder if she was some kinda vampire , she walked towards me and enveloped me in a hug . I felt tears form in my eyes .

" How have you been dear?"

" Good, until now" I said but muttering the last part.

She diverted her attention to my little bun who was going on and on about the house .

" Is that him? " She questioned

"Yes " I nodded

"Sweet lord, this is an exact replica of Dave " she said picking up little bun in her arms.

" Yes I made him , my own flesh and blood, Thomas Dave Williams" Dave said to his mom making me roll my eyes, but he sure did look like a proud father

" And you are ?" Thomas said pouting with a frown forming on his face

" Grandma, goodness can you get any cuter, my little munchkin " Stacy said planting kisses all over his face.

" Grandma" he whined .

" He called me grandma " she squealed with joy the exact same expression I had when he called me  mama for the first time I couldn't help but smile .

" Come on grandma is going to make you an amazing blueberry muffin "

Dave POV

I sat in the couch checking a few messages and I also got one from Erica .

"Babe I'll be coming over I've missed you so much 😘🍆🍆🍆"

I rolled my eyes , she was beginning to irritate me lately.

"Come on grandma is going to make you an amazing blueberry muffin "
I heard my mom say .

"Mom we just got back , he needs rest " I said not looking up from my phone.

"Come on Dave , I just met him and I want to spend more time with him , don't spoil the fun" she said pouting.

" Yeah come on Dave " my kiddo said I couldn't help but smile sheepishly

" Fine do what you want , and hey kiddo it's dad for you not Dave" I said as I walked up to him tapping his nose lightly

He looked me straight in the eye and the next thing was very unexpected
" Alright Dave " he said slowly , I caught him tickling him until he was out of breath

" daddy please ..stop"

" So don't call me Dave again or else .."

"Alright Dave "he said before running behind my mom sticking out his tongue at me.

" My little rascal" I muttered smiling.

"So where's my room?" , Oh Simi I almost forgot she was here

" Still the same"

"Yeah whatever " she muttered walking upstairs to her room.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2019 ⏰

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