chapter four

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Dave POV

What do you want?" She said hand shaking , for I second I felt guilty , that I still made her scared

" Is that the way to welcome your husband and father of your child" I said emphasizing on the child.

For she stopped for a second

" What child the one who died a long time ago" she said trying to steady my  shaking voice I felt heartbroken this couldn't be possible.

" Mom where are you ? I didn't see you or the pizza?" I saw a cute little boy pouting, he had brown eyes , black curly hair just like mine though I hate to leave mine curly , something wasn't right and I was gonna find out

I pushed past her and going to me him

"Here you go son " i said

"Thanks" he said

"How old are you? "

"I'm three plus , I'll be four by June uncle"

"It's me son, it's me your daddy" I sad almost sobbing , I couldn't hold back anymore

I saw my son's surprised look , he looked at me ,when his mom didn't give him an answer he interpreted her silence as a yes and Immediately dropped the pizza box and hugged me my little bun started crying and I her Simi sob behind me to but all that mattered was my little boy

" I waited for you every birthday, every Christmas but you never showed up, I was always told in school that I don't have a daddy but Mom kept saying you're busy with work, both I had to be strong for mommy , uncle Nathan helped but he could never be you, why didn't you ever come ? , Did I do  something wrong? " He said now crying loudly

" Like mommy said, I was busy, I'm sorry , I'm really sorry, Daddy loves you too and I'm here now" I said holding him tight as a tear slipped from my eye which I quickly cleaned off.

He practically made me hold while we ate the pizza, give him a bath , and read him a story , now it was time to talk to Simi who stood around like a third wheel the whole time


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