chapter two

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Dave POV

" We've Still not been able to find them sir , I assure you that I and my men are doing our best to find them" the voice from the other end of the line said

" It's been four freaking year, four damn years . You better find then or consider yourself done for" I said angrily hanging up .

It's been four years , four years since that bitch left I don't give a damn about her but my child, if I wasn't forced into married with some random black girl who my mom feels she owes her life , and forcing me into an arranged marriage . If I didn't freaking get drunk that night and have sex with her , if everything I worked my damn ass off didn't also belong to her, if I didn't have to cheat on her and still cheat on her with her best friend, because apparently we're still married, deep down I almost felt guilty but a part of kept telling me she  didn't deserve everything I did to her, but fuck that shit!! , She ran off with my child.

"Mr Williams your jet is ready to leave for New York City for your meeting with your client" my PA said trying her best to look seductive standing by the door but failing at it

" Thanks miss Anabel" I said winking at her , seeing her expression after that made me smirk .


Simi POV

"Hey little man come right here" I said trying to catch Tommy who was running round the sitting room

"Haha mommy is too slow " he said sticking out his tongue at me , how naughty I thought to myself ,before an idea hit me , I sat down pretending to cry .

" No no mommy please don't cry I'm so sorry , remember I'm your super hero and I love you so much" he said holding both ears

" So are you going to wear your socks now and go to school and be a good boy"

"Yes Mom "

He looked so cute I couldn't stop myself from kissing all over his face and hearing his cute giggle , I quickly showered and changed into a plain white polo and black ripped jeans and a sneaker before heading out to drop my little bun at school and finally heading to work .

"Hey " Barbara whispered

"Hey" I whispered back before picking up my apron

I walked up to our first customer who was properly suited I couldn't exactly see his face because he was looking at his phone with a cute looking lady who was suddenly glaring at me and trying hard to get that bitch face kinda look on but was so failing at it.

" So what can I get you?" I said giving her my sweetest smile, then............the bowed shot up revealing the one person I hid from for four years , I started running I first stumbled against a chair , it hurt a little but I didn't stop running until I got a taxi and headed home.

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