chapter five

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I stood there like the third wheel the whole time watching father and son bound , I never saw my son act so emotional maybe because I always told him that he was a mommy's man , I never knew that was why he always acted strong around me, all I see now is the harm I've done to my son, my little bun trying to act matured. I snapped out of my thoughts when the devil himself walked in with his shirt hanging loosely , his sleeves rolled up and a few of his buttons undone giving me a fair glimpse of his muscles, I gulped when I saw his facial expression, his jaw clenched and his face darkened, my head kept screaming run, Simi run, he kept coming closer and I kept moving backwards until I was trapped, and here I was hoping we could have a decent conversation ,what was I thinking it's the almighty bastard Dave Williams . He spun me around making me face the wall with my hands behind me , with his body clasped behind me.

" Oh poor thing" he whispered in my ear, sending chills down my spine, I felt scared and helpless

" You don't want to do this you know , Thomas is my son and you can't take him away from me". I said mustering up a like courage .

"So what are you going to do about it , hmmmm, take me to court or run away again ?, You don't stand a chance against me, you know why because you are nothing" he said biting my earlobe before kissing and sucking my neck and back to ear again down to my collar bone I gasped trying hard to stop myself from moaning .

"Please , please I'll do anything just don't take my son away from, I can't leave without him" . I pleading with tears already flowing freely from my eyes.

He spun me around to face him , if his eyes were to be daggers I'll probably be dead by now

" But you freaking kept him away  from me for four freaking years" his face was red with anger I felt his finger dig deeper into my skin, I flinched .

" I th... thought ne..never wanted us"I said in between tears .

"Hell yeah I didn't want you and I don't still want you but I was ready to compromise, but you , you never thought of him once , because of you I missed my his first word, walk every memorable moment, he was even bullied and I wasn't there to help him ". He whisper yelled at me trying not to disturb Thomas.

"So now it's my fault , first you make me feel like a burden , make my life hell , cheat on me with my best friend take advantage of me and now you have the guts to put the whole blame on me, you couldn't be a good husband and now you stand here ranting about how you missed out every memorable moment, I want my child to feel love and I'm capable of giving it to him , because you know why? I'll never treat my son as a product of a druken one night stand , And you stand there and question my love for him" I yelled at him

He was quiet for a while then finally said .

"We leave tomorrow for Australia" not giving me a chance to react and walked out I knew I didn't stand a chance against him I knew as I slowly cried myself to sleep on the couch.


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