Halloween Special pt3.

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3rd POV~

Near midnight Y/n woke up and couldn't fall back to sleep, so she decided to walk around the mansion (You could see where this is going right?) She remembered seeing the garden, so she decided to head to the backyard. When she got to the garden, she was amazed by how it's so beautiful at night. That's until she saw a shadow dash by her, she turned around. "Hello, is there anyone there?" She asked to no one in particular. She then saw a boy in the trees. "Who are you? The boys didn't introduce me to you, I didn't see you inside even though I met everyone already." Y/n questioned the boy, the boy ignored her questioned and lunged at his claws outstretched.

Suddenly, the claws were blocked by another's. "D-Doyoung," Y/n whimpered barely audible, due to the fact she almost died. Doyoung smiled weakly at his sister and turned to face the unknown boy, "Ten, what are you doing here. You know well that you're not permitted here." Doyoung said as the others started coming out of the house to help Doyoung. "You got feelings for her don't you Doyoung, I could sense it. But, so does the others. Why is she important to you anyway, who is if she isn't your sister." Ten said as he teleported out of view all the boys became more weary the longer he was gone. 

Y/n looked at her brother who was getting more anxious as the seconds that passed. Suddenly, a hand went over her mouth preventing her from screaming for help. Y/n being the smart girl she is, kicked him in the place where the sun doesn't shine, he let go for long enough for her to scream. "HELP!" The boys turned to see her, but Ten grabbed her and pinned her to the wall, "NO ONE MOVE," he said. "I could end her here and now, so I want you guys to walk 3 steps back." Ten said while beginning to choke Y/n who tried to fight back, but fails terribly as for the boys. They obeyed, "Now let her go Ten." Kun said calmly, Ten noticed that Y/n stopped struggling and realize that she's fallen unconscious. "How bout no," Ten said sadistically as he went for the kill, Taeyong quickly used the shadows to stop him. Prying Ten off Y/n, who felled to the ground. Limp. As the others, but WinWin and Jungwoo rushed to help Taeyoung fend off Ten. The remaining two rushed by Y/n's side to see if she's still alive. "She's...






A/n: JK I wouldn't do that to you guys, this is what actually happened vvv

"Alive, thank gods!" Jungwoo sighed as he now knows the girl is still alive and they don't need to worry about losing another friend. They brought her back into the house, soon followed by the others who just fend Ten off. "She's okay, right?" asked Doyoung worrily. Jungwoo nodded, and Doyoung sighed in relief. They saw the mark left on her neck, a reminder of the close encounter with Ten. "When will she wake up?" Mark asked as he entered to room, Jungwoo shook his head. "We don't know."

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