Chapter 4

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During the next part of their training against a Nadder, the teens split up in a large wooden maze and tried to look for a weakness....

As the Nadder was up above the maze, the group was moving around like rats running away from a cat. The first person it, head over to was fishlegs, who was running while holding his shield to block the spikes from the Nadder. Snotlout, was busy looking for Astrid so that he can flirt with her. The twins, arguing as usual. Astrid, was Looking for the Nadder. And Hiccup, pretending to look for the Nadder.

When a blast from the Nadder was aimed at Astrid, Hiccup pushed her and he fell on her. When they were on the ground, Astrid could see his dull and lifeless emerald eyes. But After Hiccup got up, He quickly ran out of Astrid's sight so that he could calm it down. When it looked like no one was looking, the Nadder ran at Hiccup but stopped in front of his face and sniff his hands. Suddenly, Astrid was running to the Nadder with a axe on her hands. With quick thinking, Hiccup started to scratch the Nadder and then quickly scratched it's neck, which it fell in pleasure. Astrid was left surprised, as Hiccup brought down a Nadder on his lonesome. Then her anger came out, she was denieyeing the fact that Hiccup was getting better than her. As the Weakest, useless and skinny Fishbone better than her, a strong, talented, and top Canadate. As Hiccup was trying to walk away, he was surrounded by his so called "friends" who were asking how he brought down a Nadder. He then heard a, cheering crowd of Vikings that were cheering for him. But then, he took of at a speed that almost surprised everyone except Astrid.

~At the Cove~

Toothless:"Hey bro, how it go?"

Hiccup:(It went well. Here I brought more fish for you, So eat up)


Then Hiccup started doing his suicide exercises, as he was doing them he he a footsteps from a distance and told his brother.....

Hiccup:(Toothless, you may want to you know.)

Toothless nodded and ran to hide his presence.....

Astrid:"Here he is, and be sure to shut up. Especially you two."

All nodded, then when they saw Hiccup the were shocked to see that he was doing 500 push ups, 125 laps and climb on the top of the cove in under 2 minutes. Then when Hiccup was finished, he stared at their direction and glared at them, then he motion them to come.

Tuffnut:"How did he know, that we were here?"

Snotlout:"IDK, but come on and ask him some questions."

Aa they approached him, Hiccup grabbed his journal and wrote....

Hiccup Wrote:"What are you guys, doing here?"

Ruffnut:"Well Astrid asked us, if we wanted to see your spot. And we agreed."

Fishlegs:"Hiccup, how can you do all of that without being tired?"

Hiccup Wrote:"That's for me to know and for you to find out. But, I've been doing this for almost a week."

Snotlout:"Well, that's impressive but I'm better."

Then Hiccup suddenly, put his arm around his back and made him fall on his knees.This resulted in, the others being shocked as he did that so fast.

Hiccup Wrote:"Now, I think you should leave or do you guys want to end up like Snotlout." He said with a scary blank face.

All shooked their heads, and they walked away. But Astrid,took a quick glance at Hiccup and all she could see was a dull boy.

When they left, Toothless came and lick his brother on the face and Hiccup smiled and said....

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