Chapter 12

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Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm planning to release a Male Sayian reader X RWBY harem somewhere close to Valentine's Day.

A little spoiler.... You will be a Mute Saiyan along with a Special Guest a Dragon Ball YouTuber....

Please tell me if you're interested......

But Anyways on with the chapter......

Hiccup and his Dragon brethern were waiting for the Group, they were in the kill ring to surprise them..

Hiccup:(They should be arriving here shortly, it's almost 8:30.)

Toothless:"Agreed. So, What are planning to do in their training?"

Hiccup:(You'll see soon, after all I do on teaching them how to gain a dragon's bond.)

~To The group~

Ruffnut:"What could be so important, that Hiccup wanted all of us at the kill ring?" She said, a little tired.

Fishlegs:"I don't know, but I think that we'll find out soon enough."

Snotlout:"Well whatever it is, I'm sure that it won't be something cool."

Tuffnut:"Like you've done anything cool."

Astrid:"He's not wrong."

Snotlout was a little mad, as his ego was still raising up. But after a few seconds, it went down and they continued walking. When they arrived at the kill ring, they see the Amber male with his dragon brethren at his side. They walked up to him, to ask.......

Astrid:"Morning Hiccup. So, what's the reason you called us all here?" She questioned.

Toothless:"Well, here's the thing.....

~Flashback to the Great Hall~

When Stoick saw his son with his dragon brethren, he greeted them...

Stoick:"Morning Hiccup, my boy. How are you?"

Toothless:"We're good, but there's something he wants to ask you."

Stoick:"Well go on, ask away."

Hiccup:*I ask if you, let me train the gang to bond with dragons.*

Stoick:"May I ask, why?" He asked, while still surprised.

Hiccup:*Because, I believe it's time for the Vikings of Berk and Dragons to stop this bloodshed war. There's no longer a reason, to keep old laws if we can live in harmony with them. So please, let me do this.*

After Hearing his son's response, He came to his decision.....

Stoick:"Alright Hiccup, you may. It's time to change, our ways of living. So, I'll leave this to you."

~End of Flashback~

Toothless:"And now, he we are."

They were speechless to hear that, but the twins were most excited to get their own dragons.

Both:"We'll be getting our own dragons!? Cool!"

Toothless:"Okay, so who's going first?"

Astrid:"I'll go first."

After she said that, Hiccup release the cage that contained a Deadly Nadder. Hiccup put his hand on its nostril, to calm it down before moving Along with it. He then grabbed Astrid's hand, to place it on it's nostril before letting go. Astrid looked at the Nadder, it's expression was a soothed expression.

Astrid:"Hello, there big girl." She said, with a smile.

Toothless:"Do you have a name there, Nadder?"

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