Secrets Revealed

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I hated not telling Remus stuff. He was the one person I told everything but I couldn't tell him what we were planning to do. He'd try to stop us. Me, James, Sirius and Peter we're so close to becoming animagi in hopes to help Remus' monthly transformations. We aren't even sure that being in animal form would help, but it was worth a try. 

One of the steps to becoming an animagus was that you had to keep a mandrake leaf inside your mouth for a month. This was going to be a problem. It meant that we wouldn't be able to speak for a month just in case the leaf fell out. What would we tell people?

"I've got an idea." Sirius says in a singsong voice, coming from behind me as I sat in the common room reading a book. 
"What's your idea?" I ask him. 
"Right so, you know how Remus is always complaining about how loud we are?"
"Yes." I say, this doesn't seem like an idea, this is just plain facts. We were quite loud sometimes, well, James and Sirius are loud all the time, I'm loud sometimes.
"Well, next time he complains about our noise, we bet him that we can stay quiet for a month." 
"That's actually a good idea." I say. 
"Don't act so surprised." He says acting offended. 

"But how will we communicate? There no way we could go a month without communicating with each other."
"We could use parchment." Sirius suggests.
"Nah, we'll go through the parchment to quickly." I say and Sirius nods his head in agreement. "There's a Hogsmeade trip this weekend, we could find something there."


I had been going around the shops alone, trying to find some way to have us talk without using up too much parchment and ink. I walk into the bookstore, which has a stationery section with a bunch of quills and ink and stuff. I browse the section for a while and just before I give up hope, I spot small, travel-sized blackboards with chalk to write on them with. I grab four boards and a bunch of chalk, Merlin knows how much we're going to need, chalk breaks quite easily and its really annoying. I go over to the counter to pay and the cashier bags up the items, I pay for them and head out of the shop. I head to The Three Broomstick, where I said I'd meet the boys. I walk over to the table they were sitting at and sit done.

"Get something?" Sirius whispers.
"Yep." I respond quietly. I look up and notice Remus frown slightly. I feel bad. Sirius sneaks a glance in the bag and gives me an impressed look. 
"Good idea."
"Don't act so surprised." I say mocking his words from earlier in the week. He nudges my shoulder slightly and I nudge him back. This turns into a full blown pushing war. He pushes me and I feel my chair fall backwards. I prepare for the impact of the ground but it never comes, I notice that Remus had caught me.

"Thanks." I say as I sit back down on my seat and Remus sits down in his. James gives us a suspicious look.
"Sorry." Sirius says. "Are you alright?"
"I'm fine." I assure him. "I'm gonna get you back for that."
"You should be scared Sirius, she's terrifying." Remus jokes and I playfully glare at him. We all laugh. 


"Why are you all so loud?" Remus complains. Our plan is officially in action. 
"Oh really. You'd miss our voices if we were quiet." James says. 
"Would I really?" Remus asks sarcastically. 
"Yes, you would," Sirius says. "And to prove it, how about us four," He motions to me, James, Peter and himself. "Vow to stay silent for a month."

"I bet you cant even stay quiet for a week." 
"Well, we can do it for a month." Peter says. 
"Then we'll prove that you do enjoy the sound of our voices, no matter how loud they are." I say and Remus rolls his eyes.
"You wont be able to be quiet for an entire month." Remus says.

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now