Tis the Season to be Jolly

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"Hey," James says excitedly. "Got any plans for Christmas?" 
"James, I understand that you're an idiot, but what kind of question is that?" I say sarcastically. 
"I was meaning Remus and Peter." He says rolling his eyes and I smirk at him.
"I know," I say. "I just enjoy annoying you."

"So, Peter, any plans?" James says, ignoring me.
"I'm going home," Peter says. "I'm going to visit my gran and I'm going to see a bunch of my family."
"My parents are going skiing in the alps for Christmas," Remus says. "I'm definitely not, imagine me trying to ski." 
"Well, my parents are wondering if you want to come to my place for the holidays."

"Would probably be better than staying here like we usually do." Sirius says with a shrug. "I'm in."
"I'll come." Remus says and they look at me waiting for my answer. 
"If I stay here, I'll get the whole tower to myself, that's seems quite appealing." I say jokingly. "I'm just kidding, of course I'll come."
"Great, I'll go write to mum." He says and runs off. 


"I cant believe its almost Christmas." I say to Remus later that night once we were alone, cuddled up on the couch beside the fireplace, where it was nice and cosy. The boys had gone up to bed and there were only a few people remaining in the common room. "This year is going by really quickly."
"Yeah, it really is." He agrees and we sit in silence for a moment before he asks me a question. "What do you want for Christmas?"
"Remus, you don't need to get me anything." I insist. 
"Yes I do." He says and I turn around in his arms to look at him. 
"You really don't." 
"You've bought me a present." He argues.

"That doesn't mean you need to get me a present too," I say. "I'm fine, really. Just being with you is enough." I snuggle into his chest.
"I'm still getting you a present." He says and I laugh as I look up at him. 
"Is there any point in trying to stop you?" 
"Nope." He says with the cutest smile. Damn, why is his smile so adorable? I rest my head on his chest and listen to the steady beat of his heart and feel him breathing beneath me. For the first time in a while I'm not stressed, not stressed about homework, not stressed about quidditch. Every troubling thought drifts from my mind as I lie with the most amazing person ever.


"Bye Peter." Me, James, Remus and Sirius yell as Peter waves goodbye to us and leaves the station with his parents.
"Now to find my parents." James says and I glance through the crowd, searching for a familiar face. 
"Found them!" Sirius yells excitedly and runs into the crowd, James following close behind them. 

"Should we chase after them?" Remus asks with a laugh.
"I ain't running if that's what you're suggesting." I say sarcastically. We both laugh and walk through the crowd in the direction that James and Sirius went. We soon meet up with them and Mrs Potter pulls us into tight hugs. Mr Potter cheerfully greets us and we get into the Potter's car and drive off to their mansion. 

**Remus' POV**

"Sirius," I say. "I need your help." 
"Buying Y/n a Christmas present." 
"Cant help you with that mate," He says and I give him a confused look. "That girl is ridiculously difficult to shop for."
"But you know her better than anybody," I say.  "Please help me." 
"She likes books," Sirius says unhelpfully. "Buy her a book."
"I'm not buying her a book." I say. "She deserves something special." 


I stay up late into the night, pondering what to get Y/n for Christmas. Sirius is right, she is difficult to shop for. She doesn't ask for anything yet she deserves the world. I need the gift to be perfect and yet I haven't even got a clue what to buy her. There is only a few days till Christmas and I'm still clueless as to what to get her. 

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