Sirius, You Bloody Idiot

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"We should have cool nicknames." James mutters one day as we hang out in the common room. Me and Remus were both reading as James and Sirius played chess with Peter watching. 
"That is probably the stupidest idea ever." I say not looking up from my book.
"I think its a great idea." Sirius says and I roll my eyes.
"Of course you agree with your boyfriend." I mutter quietly under my breath and assume that nobody hears me until I hear Remus attempting to hold back laughter. I look over at him to see him smiling at me and I smile back.
"The nicknames should have something to do with our animagus forms." Sirius says quietly but excitedly. 
"And what exactly would these nicknames be?" I ask. 

"Well James, since he's a deer, could be Prongs because, y'know, the antlers." Sirius says putting his hands up to his head and mimicking antlers. 
"They do not look like that." James says slapping him on the arm.
"Peter could be Wormtail because his tail looks like a worm." Sirius continues, ignoring James. 
"What about me?" Remus asks. "I'm not an animagus."
"Yes but you are a werewolf" He says quietly. "So that means we shall call you Moony." I roll my eyes again.
"This isn't giving anything away at all." I mutter.
"Ok then, what about we call you Starry."
"Why?" I ask.
"You enjoy star gazing, your animagus is a wolf and wolves are nocturnal, which means they come out at night and enjoy the stars."
"I know what nocturnal means you idiot, also I'm not sure if wolves actually look at the stars." 
"Shut up, you love it." He says and I roll my eyes but don't bother arguing with him.
"So what will your nickname be?" Peter asks Sirius.
"I will be called Padfoot, because of the paws." He says.
"Or we could call you Snuffles." I say teasingly and Sirius glares at me. Everyone else exchanges confused looks.
"Don't you dare." He mutters to me.
"Why not?" I ask mischievously and he looks like he could stab me right now. 
"Will one of you please explain what she's talking about?" James asks.

"When we younger-" I start but get cut off my Sirius groaning. 
"Don't. You. Dare." He repeats warningly.
"Sirius had this one teddy that he used to take with him wherever we went." I continue and Sirius throws a cushion at me. "It was this cute little dog and he called it Snuffles." James bursts into laughter.
"I hate you so much." Sirius mutters with his head in his hands out of embarrassment. 
"You had a dog teddy called Snuffles?" James asks through laughter. 
"I will kill you all." Sirius threatens. 
"Aww is the poor baby embarrassed?" I tease.
"Why are you making it your mission to embarrass me today?" Sirius asks.
"Revenge for being a pain in the ass all the time." I say with a shrug. 

And that was how we became know as Moony, Starry, Wormtail, Padfoot(Snuffles) and Prongs. The five Marauders.


"Snivellus is being to nosy for his own good." Sirius says as me and him sit at the breakfast table, waiting for our friends to join us. I knew exactly what Sirius was referring to, Severus had showed quite an interest in where Remus goes every month and I fear he's close to figuring it out. 
"Whatever you're planning to do, drop it." I say. I can tell he's plotting something and I know it isn't something good.
"A harmless prank never killed anyone." He says with a mischievous grin. I roll my eyes at him, this was not going to end well. 

"Morning Losers." James greets us as he, Remus and Peter join us at the table. 
"Morning Idiot." I reply. The full moon was coming up and Remus, who had taken the seat beside me, took my hand in his, something that seemed to relax him around this time of the month. I rub his hand with my thumb soothingly and feel him relax slightly. I smile to myself knowing that I can at least help him in some way.


"Right, I've got to go." Remus says and stands up.
"We'll be there in about ten minutes." James says and Remus sighs.
"Stay safe." He mutters and kisses me on the top of my head. He then exits the room and heads down to the hospital wing where he'll meet Madam Pomfrey and she'll escort him to the tunnel which leads him to the Shrieking Shack where the transformation takes place. 
Sirius stands up and I give him a questioning look. "I've got something I need to do quickly." He says. "I wont be long." He exits the room before we have a chance to question him. He's up to something, I just cant figure out what. 

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