Part Two

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Me and Remus have been broken up for nearly three months now and Christmas was quickly arriving. There were decorations all over Hogwarts and I couldn't stop the smile on my face when I noticed it was snowing. I love Christmas, its the greatest holiday ever. 

"Y/n, are you coming to mine this Christmas?" James asks and I nod my head. "Good. I'll go tell Sirius." He runs off, well that was a great conversation. I continue walking though the halls of Hogwarts, enjoying the decorations and the occasional view of the snow-covered grounds. 


"Y/n?" Lily asks and I hum in response. "Do you have plans for Christmas this year?"
"Yeah, I'm going to James' again. Why?"
"I just didn't think you would be going to James', isn't Remus going?" 
"I don't know, possibly." I say as I shrug my shoulders. "It doesn't matter though, it's Christmas and I plan on spending it the same way as every year, arguing with Sirius over the most ridiculous things, Remus being there doesn't change anything."
"Y/n, please stop pretending you're over him." Lily begs. "I know that you can still barely look at him without getting upset." Lily was right. She's always right. 


I don't know who it was but someone has put enchanted mistletoe all around Hogwarts. If you and someone else stands under it then you're stuck there until you kiss. That definitely ain't happening. I've been creeping around the edges of corridors and refusing to go through doorways with people just to avoid having to kiss anyone. If I find out who did this, they aren't going to live to see Christmas.

"Y/n," James calls as he runs up beside me. "Change of plans." He pants. "We're staying here for Christmas. My parents are going on holiday somewhere."
"Did you run here just to tell me that?" I ask with a smirk on my face. 
"Maybe." He says as he catches his breath. "Have you been caught under the mistletoe yet?"
"No, thankfully, you?" 
"No, almost got stuck under with Sirius though, that would've been weird." He answers.
"How do you almost get stuck?" 
"Remus noticed at last minute and pulled us back." James says and I nod my head. "Can I ask you something?"

"Sure." I say. 
"Do you miss Remus?" 
"Of course I do." I say honestly. "Why?" James shrugs his shoulders. 
"He misses you too y'know." He says. "Maybe if you just talked to each oth-"
"James no," I say cutting him off. "If he doesn't think that we should be together then I'm not going to force him to." 
"But you two are perfect for each other." James says. 

"I've got to go." I lie. "I've got homework I need to do, I'll see you later though." I hurry away from James and head up to my dorm room. I flop down on my bed. I'm mentally exhausted but physically I'm wide awake, which totally sucks. I lie there for about five minutes when I hear someone walk into the room. I look up to see Lily standing beside me, looking quite confused. 

"What's wrong?" She asks.
"Nothing, just felt like lying face first on my bed." I say and shrug my shoulders. She shakes her head at me. 
"Sirius wants you." She says. 
"Alright," I say and get up off my bed. "Where is he?" 
"He said he'd be in his room." 

"Thanks." I say and see her smirk as I exit the room. I don't know why she was smirking but didn't put much thought into it as I walked to the boys' room. I knock on the door. No answer. I knock again. Still no answer. I decide to just walk in, take a few steps into the room and am instantly confused when Sirius grabs me and lifts me up. 

"Sirius, what are you doing?" I ask as I try to squirm free from his grip. 
"Nothing." He says and struggles to keep hold of me. "I just need you to stay by the door for a moment." 
"You're being suspicious." I point out as he puts me down by the door. 
"Please just stay there." He begs and I roll my eyes but stay still. What the fuck was he up to? I find out when Remus enters the room and we both cant move. 

The Only Girl - Remus Lupin x Reader [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now