The Halloween party

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Michael's pov: It was Saturday night and it was almost time for the party. I was in my gamer outfit waiting for Jeremy to call me. I looked in the mirror and kinda flexed. I think I'm gonna have a good night. A few minutes more I get a text from Jeremy saying he's on his way to my house so we can go to the party together.
When he got to my house he got out of his car in his gamer outfit. I glanced at it. He just looked at me and smiled.
"Hey Jeremy you look really nice in that." says him giving me a slight kiss. I blushed a bit. "Thanks. You look great too. You ready to go to the party?" He nods as we both got in the car. As we drove to the party we stopped the car for a bit to have a slight make out session. It got hot and steamy but we were almost late. Jeremy continues to drive to the party seeing a bunch of people partying and drinking outside. It was wild.
Jeremy's pov: As we stepped out of the car Brooke came towards me. I see her outfit and it makes me feel uncomfortable inside.
"Hey Jeremykins glad you can make it. You look great! I wanna meet you some of my friends." She takes my hand as she walks me in the house. Michael follows behind. I get thrown in this crowd of people I know from school and they look at me. I get handed a drink. "Heyy buddy drink up! Get lit uppp." said some drunk dude. I could tell he was wasted but maybe one drink wouldn't hurt me. "Jeremykins these are my friends Tessa, Regina, and Rose. Feel free to get to know them." She walks away from me as I just get stranded with a bunch of girls. They're all dressed like their strippers or some shit. They come towards me. "Heyy Jeremy it's nice to meet you. You should hang with us." I interrupted one of the girls. "Sorry ladies I'm not interested. I got to go now. I'm getting some fresh air!" I rush out and into a different room. I breathe in and out and wondering I still have my drink in my hand. I try to call Michael but he didn't answer. I guess he's having a good time without me. I take the drink and drunk it all the way down my throat. I feel a little dizzy but it felt relaxed. I sat on the bed and meanwhile I passed out...
I couldn't see anything but I heard someone's voice in the distance. "Hey Jeremykins guess you got kinda wasted huh. Let me fix that." I feel movements on my body. As I sit up until she gets on top of me. I couldn't see who it was cause I was still drunk. She whispered in my ear, "Pretend that I'm Michael." I was still kinda wasted so I couldn't hear what was going on. Meanwhile I passed out again and it went completely blank..

Michael's pov: I was trying to look for Jeremy but I couldn't find him anywhere. Did he get lost or something? I asked one of the popular girls to see where he was. "Hey do you know where Jeremy is?" A girl looks at me seeing my outfit as she bit her lip slightly. "Oh you mean him. I heard Brooke took him into another room. Good luck finding him. Brooke seems like a keeper." She giggles as I turn away from her and went to go find him. I look through one of the bedrooms and I see someone making out. It definitely wasn't Jeremy though. I keep on moving along the hallway until I see another room. I get to the door and it's locked. Maybe they're just playing some sick joke me.. I know she wouldn't actually do that but I feel strange. I need to find him now.
After I look around some more I see the door half opened. I can't believe my eyes what I just seen.. I see Jeremy out cold while I see Brooke on top of him. I shout out his name, "Jeremy wake your ass up!" I rush towards the bed as Brooke got off him. She laughs, "Oh hey Michael looking for someone. I heard Jeremykins got lost so I helped him." I was mad.. Even anxious.
"What the hell did you do to him!" She sighs. "I did nothing. He was just drunk." I sense lies coming from her mouth.
"Bullshit. Tell me the truth!" She laughs more as she finally told me the truth. "I only had a little fun with him." I wanted to freaking slap her but I didn't cause she's a girl.. I take a deep breath. "Just get the hell out of here now!" She rolls her eyes. "Fine suit yourself. No wonder Jeremy wouldn't go for someone like you." She leaves the room as I got on the bed. I shake Jeremy's shoulders to see if he was awake. "Jeremy wake up.. It's me Michael!" His eyes opened and looked at me grabbing my shirt tightly as he softly wanted to cry. "M-Micheal where were you? I was scared. I didn't know what to do.." I kissed him once on the lips. "Where were you? I was trying to find you!" His hands were shaking like crazy.
"She played me Michael.. I was out cold, drunk, and I couldn't hear anything. I-I thought it was you but I was wrong.. She just touched my body.. And I just let her do it." I hold him closely to me.
"We are gonna fight that bitch. Wait here." Jeremy pulls on my arm pulling me closer to him. "You can't do that. I don't want you getting hurt."
"Jeremy if I get hurt then I'll get what I deserve." Jeremy let's go of my arm as I left the room to go find Brooke. I searched everywhere until I see her and her friends standing around and drinking. I approach her. "Hey Brooke!" She turns around and looks at me. "Oh Michael buns it's so nice to see you again." I rolled my eyes. "Don't fucking call me that. I know what you did to Jeremy!" She ignores me as she takes a sip of her red wine. "Oh honey I have no idea what you're talking about. You're accusing me of something I didn't do? What the hell is wrong with you. You shouldn't accuse someone that didn't do anything!" Her friends backed her up and I felt bad about myself. She was fucking lying and I hated it. Meanwhile someone approaches me. He gives me a hand signal. "Hey you talking shit about my girl?" I look back at him. He seems drunk as ever. "You're Brooke's boyfriend?" Brooke hugs her boyfriend tight. "He was accusing me of something that I didn't do." He gets a bit mad at me as he gives the drink to Brooke. "So asshole I don't think we met before. I'm Jason and you're messing with the wrong person buddy." I stood up and said, "You're the asshole buddy. Teach your girl some lessons!" His face gets all mad and leans in for a punch. I dodge it until he punched me in the face hard enough to knock me onto the floor. They all laughed at me as they left me there minding their own business. I stood up and walked slowly finding Jeremy. As I gotten to the room Jeremy was sleeping peacefully. I closed the door and got onto the bed holding him into my arms. He wakes up seeing my face with a black eye. "Michael you took a punch for me? Your face is all bruised.. Because of me.." He softly cries in my arms as I kept holding him tightly. "It's not your fault. It never was. Brooke is just a lying ass bitch of what I know of. People just suck in general.. I have an idea. How about just you and me run away for a few days." He stops me for a second, "Are you crazy. My parents will find out."
"Why can't I just move in with you then we would be happy together?" Jeremy sighs and ignored me. "I can't Michael I'm sorry.. I just haven't admitted to my parents that I'm bisexual yet.. I would eventually tell them but I don't want them to hate me."
"I understand. How about we can both do it together but first let's get out of this hell hole. We can go to my house and chill." Jeremy smiles as we both left the house. As we continued walking we realized it was almost 11 at night. "Hey Jeremy you can stay the night over at my place. My parents won't mind." He nods as I held his hand walking to his place.
Jeremy's pov: As I got to his place we went in his room locking the door. Things were about to get heated up. I lay him down on the bed as I got on top of him. I take off his shirt quickly as he undoes my buttons on my jeans. I kiss him slowly as he started taking off his sweatpants. Slowly both of our boxers were off. He thrusts inside me as I started making out with him touching him every second. It felt like I belonged somewhere and he belonged to me. He kisses my neck as he gives me a small hickey. I noticed it and I'm like.. "Shit shit! Stop.." He stopped as he left the mark on my neck. "If my parents find out about the hickey they'll kill me!" I take a deep breath as I got everything back on. "I'm sorry. You could of told me before I've done it." He gets his clothes back on as he sits up. He grabs a hoodie and gives it to me. "Wear this so you're parents don't see it. It'll be okay don't worry." He kissed my forehead as I hugged him never wanting to leave him.. We cuddled some more and played videogames. I think this was the best day ever besides the fight and the party. I had Michael by my side and I couldn't have asked for anything better...
To be continued

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