Saving Jeremy

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Jeremy's POV: "Where am I? I can't move!" Meanwhile someone laughs in the distance taking my blindfold off. "Why hello there Jeremy. Are you glad to see me again?" I looked up at him and I can't believe my eyes. It was Mr. Mills aka Micheals dad. I asked myself, "Why am I here?" He laughs at me again saying, "You're the one who said you'll replace my son and I gladly took your offer."
"I didn't make an offer with you. I never did and how did you get out of jail!" He comes towards me with a knife in his hand pointing it at me. "You know your kinda cute you know that right. Besides I would kill you but I'm not going to." I was confused. "What do you mean? If you wanted to kill me you could of done it already!" Soon he slaps me right across the face. "Stop being such a smart ass. I'm so sick of you. It would of been better if I kidnapped my own son then he would respect me more." I noticed I still had my phone in my pocket until I reached and it slipped out of my pocket sliding on the floor. "S-Shit that was my only way of getting out of here." says me whispering. Meanwhile he goes over and picks up the phone trying to get into it. "What's your password?" I feel like if I said anything he would kill me. "What if I refused to give it to you?" He points the knife to my throat as he said, "Then I won't hesitate to kill you right now." Later I gave him the password and the phone unlocked. "I'm gonna text Michael real quick. You stay here." He walks over and leaves the room locking the door. Soon when it was just me alone I think of a way to get out. I reach in my pocket again and I pull out my pocket knife that my dad gave me. I tried picking it up but soon it fell on the floor. "DAMN IT!" Later he comes back in the room and lets me read the text. "He'll come for me!" says me struggling still. He laughs, "Oh really. I like to see him try. I'm really looking forward to this. Seeing you struggle is the best thing I witnessed. With you tied up you could faint at any second!" I say back, "You will never get away with this." He replies back with, "Oh trust me I will." Later he pours something into my mouth making me pass out...
Michael's POV:
-Buzz Buzz-
-Buzz Buzz- Meanwhile I heard my phone go off laying on the table. I look around and see that Jeremy's gone. "Jeremy? Where'd you go buddy?" I got up and checked my phone. There was one new message from Jeremy reading, Hello there son. You thought you never heard from me again. Well guess what I except you to come to this address if you ever wanna see your boy toy ever again. "Boy toy? Who the hell calls him that! Doesn't matter I need to find Jeremy. Don't worry buddy I'm coming to save you. Later when I was ready I was downstairs checking what else I needed. Meanwhile I went over and saw the knives in the kitchen. I quickly grabbed one and went out the front door hiding it so no one could see it. As I got into Jeremy's car that apparently he doesn't have a license for it yet. I start up the engine and went to go find the nearest address. 25 minutes later I found the place. I parked on the side of the road getting out placing the knife in my bag. While I was walking up I rang the doorbell. "I know you're in there!" I was mad already. Soon he opens up the door letting me in. "Aren't you surprised to see me again? Didn't you miss me?" I pushed him out of the way saying, "WHERE THE HELL IS HE!" He laughs at me as he started to pull on my bag. I slapped his hand as he was trying to open it. "I'm not telling where he is unless you give me what you have inside your bag." I take a step back. "Why would I give it to you. Just let him go and I'll leave you alone forever..." He smirks at me putting his hand on my shoulder. "If only it was that easy. Listen Michael I want you to live with me and you and me can get to know each better. It's that simple if you listen to me!" I push him out of the way again as he pushed me up against the wall making me fall back on the ground. Blood came out of my nose as he started coming towards me. I pulled out the knife pointing it towards him. "STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM ME!" He comes over and grabs the knife out of my hand. "Why are you so afraid of me Michael? We could be happy together if you just listened!" Soon I stood up as he ran towards me almost cutting me as the knife went in the wall. I run the other direction to a room which was locked. "JEREMY ARE YOU IN HERE!" There was no response. As soon I tried to pound on the door. My father was running towards me again with the knife. Later I blocked and tackled him making him drop the knife. Soon he punches me making me drop to the floor. I grabbed the knife again keeping it close to me. I slowly stood up as I dragged the knife across the wall. He comes up to me slamming me into the wall knocking me down again as he pinned me down. "Are you done fighting me yet son." I yell at him saying, "Not yet you stupid bastard!" I kicked him in the balls making him fall to the floor. I stood up again looking down at him on the floor. I say to myself, "Please forgive me Jeremy of what I'm about to do." My dad sees the knife in my hand saying, "S-Son what are you doing?" I cried saying, "This is what you get for killing mom!" Soon I stabbed him multiple times making him bleed a lot. I cried recklessly looking at my hands covered in blood. "What is Jeremy gonna say about this? I-I killed him and he f-fucking deserves it!" I grabbed the key from his pocket making my way towards the door. Shit I need to clean all this up first but I can make it look like a suicide. Soon I write a note placing it next to him leaving the knife there leaving no fingerprints on it. I take a deep breath approaching the door. As I unlocked it I see Jeremy tied up looking at me. "M-Micheal! You're here." I make my way towards him untying him. He hugs me tightly. "Jeremy we need to leave now!" I grabbed his hand until he stopped me for a second. "What do you mean we gotta leave now. Did something happen?" I start to shake a bit knowing this would make him think I'm crazy. "C-Can we please just leave." says me shaking constantly. He looks up at me saying, "No. Tell me what you did!" I refused to tell him. Later he runs out of the room as soon I knew I couldn't stop him. He looks over and sees Mr. Mills dead body just laying there with a knife next to it. I walk over to Jeremy looking at him crying. He looks at me thinking if I'm innocent which I'm not. "M-Micheal did you kill your dad?" I put my head down wanting to tell him the truth. I say back to him, "He committed suicide and I couldn't stop him." I lied to him knowing I wouldn't lie to him but I couldn't just say it to his face.. He comes over to me and hugs me tightly not letting go of me. "Let's get out of here" says him holding me. We both left the house getting in the car without saying a word. I felt bad that I lied to him. Eventually I'm gonna tell him the truth.. He looks up at me saying, "Hey buddy you okay?" I look back at him saying, "What about you! Are you okay. You should be worried about yourself!" I was in an emotional wreck.. "Jeremy I'm scared. I don't wanna lose you." He holds me tight as I sit on his lap. While he was brushing through my hair he kissed me. "You will never lose me I promise. Let's get home we have school tomorrow." I nod as I get back in the front seat driving all the way back to the house. I looked at the time and it was almost 6 am. When we got back to the house around 5:30 we both cuddled in my room until it was time to go to school. "You know you can tell me anything right?" I nod and replied with, "I know." He smiled as the alarm went off. "Time for us to go to school. You about ready?" I was still shook about what happened. "Um I'm gonna take a shower real quick go to school without me!" He quickly rushed out of the room and into the bathroom closing it.
Jeremy's POV: That was weird just that second ago. I guess I'll start to head to school now and forget about what all happened. When I got to my locker at school Rich came up to me saying, "Wassup Jeremy what's new with you?" I say back to him, "Did Michael seem a little bit weird to you?" He shrugs his shoulders saying, "I didn't see him really but do you think he might of killed someone?" I was confused. He started laughing at me. "I'm messing with you. I'm sure he's alright. Also hey do you want this new upgrade? It's from Japan!" I also shrugged my shoulders. "I'll think about it but I better get to class. Cya later Rich." He waved back at me as I entered homeroom sitting in my seat quietly. I looked over and Micheal's head was down. Soon the teacher called our names. "Is Jeremy here!" I replied back with, "Here!" Later when Micheal's name was called he didn't answer. "Is Michael here?" I stood up and said, "He's here Miss!" Soon Michael picked his head up looking at me. I quickly sat back down embarrassed while everyone looked at me and laughed. "Quiet everyone. Thank you Jeremy. Now let's get on with today's lesson." After the bell rings everyone got up and left. Michael had his head down again. I walk over to his desk poking his head. "Buddy you okay? You fell asleep during homeroom again." He sits up and gets his bag nodding. "Yeah I'm fine let's walk to our next class." As we started walking his head was down. I held his hand as he left go of it. He says to me, "Can you meet me in the bathroom at lunchtime please." I nod and said, "Yeah of course. I'll see you soon." He nods as he went to his next class. When I got to class my head was down and all I could think about is Michael. I wonder if I could have someone to rely on me too. After class it was lunchtime so I make my way to the bathroom until Brooke stopped me. "Hey Jeremy kins do you wanna sit with me at lunch?" I shake my head saying, "Sorry I can't but maybe another time." I continue to make my way to the bathroom as I see the bathroom stall was closed. "Michael you in here?" Suddenly I hear crying coming from the stall. Soon Michael comes out looking at me. "Jeremy there's something I need to tell you. Promise me you won't be upset or angry with me." I was getting anxious a bit. "What do you wanna tell me? You're kinda worrying me." He takes a deep breath and says, "What if I said I killed my dad..."
"Y-You did what!"
To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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