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louweee changed the group chat name to:

'five directions'

harrieeeee changed their contact name to:

'Harry Styles'

louweee changed their contact name to:

'Louis T'


lima: guys. come on, you can't be genuinely serious about breaking the band up

nialler: please. you both love this band, the fans and the stuff we get to do! why throw it all away because you broke up???

Louis T: we didn't just break up niall. harry, "fell out of love with me". I'm fucking unlovable. No wonder I'm the least favourite in the band. 

zayniepoo: Louis! you know thats not true!

Louis T: tell me how I know that zayn?! tell me! my own boyfriend couldn't stick around. 

nialler: tell him he's wrong harry. he'll listen to you. 

zayniepoo: you didn't actually tell him you broke up because you fell out of love right?

Harry Styles: yeah. 

lima: what!??!! why??????

Harry Styles: because. it's the truth. i'm not going to lie to him.

zayniepoo: ignore harry.  you're not unlovable lou.

Louis T: that's what he told me. and to be honest, i believe him.

nialler: louis don't listen to him. i don't know what's gotten into him but he's a dick. 

lima: i can't believe this harry, you've never been so awful to someone before. whatever happened to treat people with kindness?

zayniepoo: you know what? fuck this. i'm over this shit. harry you're fucked up. you know what louis' goes through, and you're feeding him lies??!! 

zayniepoo: lies you know he'll believe!

zayniepoo: i refuse to be in a band with harry any longer

Harry Styles: good because i already broke the band up. 

nialler: guys this is getting way out of hand, let's not be so rash. 

lima: niall's right. this is a one time argument, you'll all wake up tomorrow and regret arguing. 

Louis T: i'm going to go 

Louis T  has left the group chat five directions

zayniepoo: same. fuck this. i've wanted out for years. the only thing stopping me was our friendship. but now it's great to know i have plenty of time to go solo.

nialler: you don't mean that.

lima: zayn. please we need your help as mediator. don't add fuel to this fire. 

zayniepoo: liam, there is no fire. we're in hell. 

zayniepoo: and i'm getting out while i still have the chance

lima: zayn! wait!

zayniepoo has left the group chat five directions

nialler: harry, please, we can fix this. 

Harry Styles: there's nothing left to be fixed. anywhere. 

lima: what are you saying?

Harry Styles: the band? over.

Harry Styles: my relationship? over.

Harry Styles: my friendships? broken. 

Harry Styles: my heart? broken. 

Harry Styles: i have nothing left to give, or fix, or heal. I'm worn out. 

nialler: harry come on, please we can sort this out

Harry Styles: LET GO NIALL

Harry Styles: one direction is OVER

Harry Styles: me and louis are OVER

Harry Styles: I'm out. thanks for the good times.

lima: harry wait

Harry Styles  has left the group chat five directions

lima: why does no one listen to me when i say that?

nialler: i listen to you liam. 

lima: thanks ni. 

nialler: so this is it then 

lima: "one direction over thanks to argument in group chat"

nialler: come on li, one direction isn't over.

lima: look around niall. we're over. we're the only two people left in a group chat that we used to use everyday. 

lima: guess i'm going solo then 

nialler: same... not like i've got a choice. 

nialler: fuck it. i'm going for a beer.

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