2019, mar, wk 11, prt 2

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zayn: maybe he's less moved on than we thought?

tommo: he's definitely moved on

tommo: he told me he stopped loving me remember?

nialler: yeah but, sometimes people say or do things to protect the ones they love

tommo: if breaking my heart into millions of pieces is protecting me, i don't think i want protection

payno: i see where you're coming from lou

payno: but does no one else find this fishy?

payno: its the first thing he's posted in 6 months. 

payno: and it's about louis

tommo: correction, it might be about me

tommo: but there's less chance of it being about me, than there is of it not. 

payno: sod off louis

payno: everyone knows once you go tomlinson, you never go...

payno: homelinson?

zayn: hahahaha

payno: shut up at least i tried

payno: all i'm saying is, theres got to be more than what we know about this whole thing

zayn: and i'm almost certain he still loves you

tommo: doubt it

zayn: i'm serious lou

zayn: and i know the perfect way to prove it.

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