2019, may, wk 20, prt 2

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Harry Styles: so now everyone knows the truth. 

nialler: harry, i'm so so so so sorry for everything.

payno: mate, i can't believe you were going to give up everything we had as a band for louis. that's true love

Harry Styles: i would do anything for him

nialler: awe

zayn: so you'd get back with him then? if the time arose?

Harry Styles: of course. in a heartbeat. 

zayn: interesting.

nialler: don't you have a plane to be on zayn?

zayn: i'm already on it, idiot. 

zayn: it has wifi

payno: cooooool!!

zayn: listen to me harry. 

zayn: i'm on my way to london, to see perrie. 

zayn: i'm going to fix my relationship, and then i'm going to help you fix yours. 

zayn: don't do anything in the next 5 days while i'm gone, to fuck this up alright?

Harry Styles: alright. 

Harry Styles: thanks zayn. 

zayn: anytime

zayn: brother. 

Harry Styles: i missed you guys.   

Harry Styles: so much

Harry Styles: i'm sorry i fucked everything up and made you hate me..

nialler: do you know how hard it was to try and hate someone when all you can do is miss and love them?

nialler: because i felt that way for three years. 

nialler: we don't hate you haz. 

payno: brothers fight, but they still love each other. even if sometimes, they say they don't. 

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