2019, mar, wk 9, prt 2

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nialler: TOMMO

nialler: I'M CRYING


tommo: everyone thinks we're dating now or something hahahaha

payno: this is ridiculous, no one can take a joke nowadays

tommo: but, this is no joke liam

tommo: niall and i are true lovers.

tommo: have been for the last two months

payno: telling lies doo doo dodoo dodoo

tommo: please, PLEASE tell me that wasn't the baby shark song

payno: only if you admit you and niall aren't dating

nialler: we totally are

tommo: niall, i'm sorry, i'm breaking up with you

nialler: what? why?

tommo: just because i want to be single

nialler: fair enough

nialler: it was nice while it lasted though

tommo: tru dat

payno: i hate you guys

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