2019, dec, wk 47, prt 2

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maya: ok. it's been a week.


payno: perrie? would you like to recap?

perrie: last week onnnn "life as a larrie:

perrie: its too sad for me to recap... so basically larry broke up

maya: but now they're back together?

maya: how?

zayn: well, we went through a phase (niall, liam and I) of scheming to make harry jealous...

perrie: mature of you

zayn: its over now, no need to reflect on past events

perrie: that's literally what we're doing.

zayn: anYwAY

zayn: we did this by making harry think niall and louis were in a relationship

maya: did it work?

perrie: weren't you dating liam at this point?

perrie: didn't he tell you about this?

payno: the relationship was fresh, ok?

payno: i didn't need her thinking i was some best friend/bandmate/relationship-stalking freak

nialler: but you are a best friend/bandmate/relationship-stalking freak

payno: watch it horan

zayn: anYwAY

zayn: we tried that and yes, it actually, worked

zayn: surprisingly

nialler: even though i'm as straight as a pole and harry knows this.

payno: ok but let's be real for a second.

payno: if shawn mendes or justin beiber were into it, would you go for it?

nialler: ....

nialler: of course not

perrie: totally.

nialler: i wouldn't

perrie: ok

nialler: i woULDN'T

perrie: i believe you

nialler: grrrr

maya: but you would wouldn't you

nialler: ...

payno: no judgment here lad.

payno: just tell us

payno: we'll stop making fun of you.

zayn: promise

nialler: FINE

nialler: if shawn was into it... i'd probably be down

nialler: not justin though

nialler: he's married


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