2019, feb, wk 6, prt 2

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tommo: don't you guys think that you're going a little overboard with the harry thing?

payno: hmmmm

nialler: nah

payno: i don't, no

tommo: come on guys it's been like, three years since we've spoken, he hasn't done anything to you

nialler: he actually has

tommo: really?

tommo: what's he done then?

tommo: go on

nialler: he hurt you

nialler: no one hurts loubear

nialler: ever.

nialler: i will protect you.

nialler: always.

tommo: niall..

nialler: i mean it.

payno: i'm with ni on this.

nialler: good.

nialler: now that we've settled that, let's meet on tuesday.

tommo: you're meant to ask if we're free...

nialler: it wasn't a question.

nialler: we're meeting on tuesday.

payno: jesus, alright.

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