2019, may, wk 18, prt 2

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zayn: dude! why'd you do that?

payno: ruined the plan bro

tommo: the plan already worked guys

tommo: he's outside my door

nialler: he's WHERE

payno: WHAT

zayn: WHAT

tommo: calm down i haven't spoken to him

zayn: when did he get there?

tommo: like, four hours ago

payno: and he's still here?

tommo: bruised knuckles and croaky voice, but yeah he's still here

zayn: wow, i didn't expect him to be that committed

payno: i didn't expect him to sit four hours

nialler: i didn't expect him to actually go

tommo: well, he's here.

tommo: and none of you are

nialler: i'm sorry bro, you know i had to record in LA this season.

payno: so what are you going to do?

tommo: what do you mean what am i going to do?

zayn: i mean, i hate to say it, but you can't just leave him out there

tommo: i certainly can

tommo: and i intend to

payno: i mean, maybe just try to move on from him. and get him off your mind you know?

tommo: he's outside my door li.

payno: just try being friends with him is what i mean.

nialler: as much as he gets on my nerves right now, he could get mobbed or something.

nialler: or papped.

nialler: and that would make this situation a lot harder

payno: niall's right.

payno: i mean you don't have to listen to us, you can leave him out there if want to

payno: but he's your best friend as well as your ex.

payno: he's the person that knows you best of everyone.

zayn: there are secrets you haven't even told us, that harry knows lou

nialler: i don't know if you've heard this quote lou, but a super wise guy that i know told it to me a couple times when i really needed to hear it.

nialler: "always be nice to people. no matter how bad they are to you. to show them, that you are not like them"

tommo: that's my quote

payno: listen to yourself then.

zayn: you might not think it, but you're so intelligent lou.

zayn: you know the right thing to do.

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