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The more I ran the more my surroundings changed. New trees, new paths, and even new abandoned structures. Three years in that hell hole. Doing what they told me to do. What He told me to do. For three years I followed his rules but now I'm free. And even though it pains me to admit, being in there did have its perks.

For the most part I lived in luxury. I was fed, I had clothes on my body, and a roof over my head. But even then, being in there had an even bigger downside. I don't know how to fight. I've been in there since the beginning so I have no idea how to take care of myself. But the worst part is I'm Alone. My family left when the saviors kept me and my friends from before are most likely gone. I don't know where to go so I just ran hoping to find freedom far away from this awful place. After awhile of running my lungs started to give. I was diagnosed with asthma the summer before my 7th grade year and I've struggled with it ever since. But I didn't stop, I just ran. I ran away from the walkers that caught a glimpse of me every once and awhile.

Three hours on the run. It was dark now but I didn't care. Only taking a break every few minutes was rough. There wasn't a building in sight so I continued. But around hour four I found a small shed that looked abandoned. Carefully examining the shed I soon found that it was in fact abandoned so I decided to rest for the night. After making sure the door was secured I walked to the corner farthest and sat down for the first time since I escaped.

"You got this Aria. You'll be free soon!" I reassured myself quietly. Before slowly drifting off to sleep to the sound of walkers near and far .

"I'll let you go. But I want something in return. Her." He said pointing at the small young girl who was shielding her brothers away from the nasty man.

"I'll stay just leave my family alone! Let them go. Make sure they get somewhere safe and then don't even look in their direction again." The two boys finally realizing what was happening started to cry. The father and mother of the girl protesting with denial that their little girl would be ripped out of their arms.

"Well aren't you just a sack of shit with some sparkles on top. I like your attitude!" His dark eyes met the girls as he decided to make his decision. "Alright little lady you have yourself a deal. Boys take her family to their destination. And don't do any stupid shit while you're doing so."

The girl hugged her family tight. Her mother trying to convince the man to take her instead and let her little girl go. The brothers clinging to her side tears falling off their faces. And her dad with a stone cold face trying to decide what to do. Before to long she was ripped from her families grasp. "I'll find you!" She shouted to her family before a bag was thrown on her head and everything went black.

"Sweet dreams. My wife."

Gasping for air I sprung awake. My breathing unsteady as I remember my reality. That same day has played over and over in my head. That day constantly haunting my dreams. The treacherous nights I was there. The way he said my name and things he did to me constantly haunting me at all times. Each night waking me up with the feeling of not being able to breath. Having asthma was always a struggle but as I got older it got worse. So worse that even an inhaler couldn't help. But one thing did, on voice did. Imagining that voice every time I couldn't breath was the only thing that helped me get through my tough times. And it still works even now.

As I calmed down the rays of light shining through the broken wood reminded me that it was time to go. With caution I made my way outside in an attempt to continue my travels to wherever my legs took me. Will it be safe? Only one way... to find out.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 08, 2020 ⏰

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