°Chapter 2: Reverse Revolution°

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"John, I know you're angry with me. But also know that you don't know what's happening out there and in your condition, you'll be dead in less than 5 minutes," I told him as I swam up to the rock.  "I'd rather die, to be honest," John commented and jumped to the next rock. "First of all, auwch and second you should trust me at least a little bit!" I whined. John shot me a glare. "I would rather break my neck than trust you," 

"Fair," I told him. "But you don't know what you're getting into! If someone finds out they will kill you on the spot," I shouted as John started to walk farther away from me. Finally, he got onto the dock. "Last chance, John. This won't end well!" I warned him. My warning was never received as John walked away. I sighed and slowly sunk into the water until I reached the bottom and laid down. Was I going to get up eventually? I don't think so.

John's P.O.V

I detest that I ever trusted her. I should've just trusted my instincts from the start and never have let her close to my heart. I can't believe I wanted to marry that stupid, arrogant... I bit on my lip as my eyes started to sting. "F*ck," I whimpered and rubbed my eyes. As I did, I spotted two men standing near the harbor. I maned up and walked toward them. "Excuse me, what harbor is this?" The two looked at me thorn clothes and my lack of shoes before turning a blind eye. "I'm a soldier, I lost my troops. Could you please point me in the right direction?" I pled. "Oh, so another servant of King George?" One of the men hissed. 

"What?! No, I'm American!" I violently shook my head. "Sure, that's what they all say. Just to save their own a$$. Don't you have any self-respect for you and your country?! No wonder those Brits start to make a run for it as soon as you show some resilience," The other sneered. "My son is now in jail because of your kind!" The first man shouted and pulled out a gun. I quickly protected my chest with both of my arms. "Listen, I would never-" "Shut up, you filthy a$$-kisser!" As soon as I heard the gun being cocked, I started to retaliate. "But the Americans won the revolution, right?! You got what you wanted, right?! Why are you still mad at me-"

"Now you're just making me mad, boy. Do you want to rub it in our face that we lost?! What kind of sicko are you?!" My whole world turned upside down as I heard that. 'The Brits won?'

They pushed me to the edge of the dock. "What're you gonna do now? Without a crew, without some pride?" The guy hissed, pointing the gun at me. 'Ah, shiet. I didn't want to do this' I thought with a sigh. "Well, gentlemen. I guess I'll have to prove you wrong myself but not now," I said, leaning back, taking a deep breath and letting myself fall into the water headfirst. Almost instantly, my legs merged and became one.

I looked up as I slowly floated downwards and saw two heads looking down at the water. I blew out the air in my mouth and the bubbles quickly floated to the top making it seem like I had been killed by the waves. 

Closing my eyes, I felt the ocean sounds wash over me as I hit the seafloor below. It was silent for a while until I heard a distant sound. "JAWHN!" I rolled my eyes back and slowly opened them as I saw her swimming toward me.

"ARE YOU OKAY?!" Y/N asked as she approached me. "I'm fine," I groaned and rolled on my stomach. She checked on my wound but I shoved her hand away. "I said I was fine," I sneered. "Why'd you come back?" She asked. "I didn't want to but turns out I have to," She looked confused as I said that so I tried to elaborate.

"Thanks to you and the American traitor, the battleplans were well received and Britain managed to win against the revolutionaries. They won the war. People up there mistook me for a Brit and tried to kill me. This was my safest option," I explained.

"That's horrible," She gasped, fumbling her hands. "And it's your fault," I hissed which made her sigh. "Look, I know I did something wrong. But I was left with no choice!" She told me. "You could've told me!" I yelled making her go silent again. "If you were being blackmailed, you could've told me so! We would've figured something out!" 

 "Please let me make it up to you," She said. "How? Somehow get the Brits to back out of America?" I asked. "If that's what it takes, then yes," She insisted. "Oh, you stupid sea cow! How are you going to fend off an entire army on your own?!" I shouted. "I got my ways," She said sternly. "But I need your help," 

With a big frown, I turned to my side, away from her, and said: "I'm not helping you on your suicide mission," She, in turn, grabbed me by my torso and lifted me up. "WHAT IN THE FRICK FRACK ARE YOU DOING?!" I yelled at her. "I'm going to Robin with you and we're going to figure out what the best course of action is," She said as she began swimming. "And if I had to carry you there like a baby. Then so be it," She told me.

"THIS IS NOT HOW YOU HOLD A BABY. THIS IS HOW YOU HOLD A CAT, YOU IGNORANT SLU-" I suddenly bumped against a rock, but Y/N kept swimming "Whoops," She said as I hurled over in pain. 

(Sequel) John Laurens X !Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now