°Chapter 7: Rocking ship°

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Wide-eyed, palms sweaty, knees weak, arms heavy, John stared at Y/N with nothing but fear. To add to the discomfort, the ghastly weather that had been looming in the sky slowly started to show its strength. It had been raining lightly all day, but now it was pouring. The ship started rocking from side to side, throwing off all the entranced sailors.

John knew of sirens. He knew that they could sing heavenly and make sailors jump overboard. But then why wasn't he in some kind of trance like the others. He shook those thoughts off when he saw one of the sailors lean a bit too much over the wooden frame. He quickly pushed the sailor to the ground. Both of them fell victim to the heavy rocking and slid to the other side of the deck. 

With the unsettling lullaby still ringing in his ears, John stumbled to his feet and looked up to see Hercules slowly shuffling toward the edge. He quickly ran up to him and tackled him down. The ship rocked everyone to the back again. Including the fallen pair. John hit the wooden frame with his back, knocking the wind out his chest, and curled up in pain. 

It was chaos.

Chaos that served the sailors well. Every time someone got close to getting to the edge, the ship would tilt and everyone would be back where they started. All of them were going at a snail pace. However, John didn't believe his luck would last. Thinking the singing was far enough to be muted with cloth, he grabbed a cleaning cloth and grabbed Hercules by the shoulders. 

With the thick cloth, he did the best he could and wrapped it around Herc's head, effectively covering his ears and eyes. Hercules' body language immediately shifted, he became more stable instantly. He groaned for a second before looking up and touching the cloth John had bound around his head like a blindfold. "What in the world is this kinky ass-" "DON'T TOUCH IT!" John yelled when Hercules tried to remove the blindfold. 

"Jesus! Okay!" Hercules said, lowering his hand. "Listen," John said very sternly. "There's a siren entrancing your crew," He explained. "A siren? Just when I thought the mythical abnormalities were over," Hercules groaned. Suddenly the ship tilted, Hercules fell and slid to the wooden frame. John became more accustomed to it, but still tripped over his own feet, landing beside Hercules. 

"What's the plan?" John groaned as he slowly got up. "We kill the siren, duh," Hercules groaned back while John grabbed his hand to help him up. But when he heard Hercules say that, he loosened his grip, making Hercules fall back on the deck.

"AUWCH? THE HELL, JOHN?!" Hercules passive-aggressively stated while John stared ahead of himself. "We can't do that," John mumbled. "What'd you say? You mumbled," Hercules asked, oblivious to what John had said because of the noise-canceling blindfold, while John actually helped him up. "We can't do that," John said a bit louder. "Why not?" Herc asked.

"...Do you want to kill of the local animals and hurt the ecosystem? Wow, Mulligan. I didn't know you were such a nature hater-" 

"John, what's the real reason?" Hercules asked, raised his eyebrows. Taken aback, John sighed and said: "I may know this siren personally," John admitted. "Did you meet them when you were stuck on the island?" Hercules asked while the ship tilted again. He clung onto John who then, in turn, fell over and made both of them hit the frame.


"No," John groaned and got back up. "Then how do you know them?" Hercules said when he got back up. With John's silence, he presumed John had ran away so he put his hands out in front of him to feel if he was still there. He poked his finger right in John's eye, making John stumble back. "Why'd you do that?!" John asked. "Oh, okay, you're still here," Hercules smiled, much to John's annoyance.

"But wait, then how do you know them?" Hercules asked. While biting the inside of his cheek, John tried to formulate an answer. "Because she is Y/N," He eventually said. "Hold on," Hercules said, raising his voice. "You said you weren't sure where she was!" He said. "Now you're telling me she's a siren who's out to get us?" He yelled. It was as if he suddenly noticed how loud he was yelling because he covered his mouth and looked down. "I knew she was a spy but I didn't know she was out for blood," Hercules sighed.

"She isn't out for your guys' blood," John slowly said to which Hercules slowly frowned. "I pissed her off," He admitted. "Let me get this straight," Hercules said in an even angrier tone. "You pissed off," He continued. "A SIREN?!" He shouted before the ship tilted, shoving both of them against the frame again. Just then the light rain started becoming intense, pouring down onto the ship.

"I didn't know that she was gonna pull this!" John yelled back, his hair getting soaking wet. "Well you got us into this mess, you get us out! My crew is in danger!" Hercules barked. Unamused, John looked at the water down below, rolling his eyes as he knew what he had to do. "Don't remove your blindfold until I tell you otherwise," John told Hercules and got up. "Where are you going?" Hercules asked. 

"Under," John answered before rushing toward the other side. He clung onto everything, making sure the rocking ship with the slippery deck didn't cast him back to whence he came. Eventually, he managed to cross the deck and see Y/N still singing the lullaby. He got ontop the wooden frame, balancing as the ship rocked back and forth. He stabilized himself before taking a deep breath and diving in the water. As he did, he managed to grab Y/N by her arms and drag her down with him. 

As soon as the singing stopped, the crew snapped out of their daze. As if on cue, the rain also stopped. Slowly but surely, the rocking of the ship stopped and the night resumed as if nothing had ever happened. Hercules noticed the sudden change in the air, but decided to wait until John told him that everything was safe. While he did, he wondered what John had done that had stopped Y/N from singing.



As they slowly sank, Y/N tried to push John off her but he had her arms in a very tight grip. Eventually, when they were quite deep under water, he let go off her and THEN the yelling started. 

"Just because I betrayed you, doesn't mean that you get to take a whole ship down!" John screamed at her, getting right up in her face. "Maybe if you had just stuck with the plan instead of trying to abandon me, I wouldn't have felt the need to take the ship down!" Y/N spat back. 

"You are such a petty b*tch!" John groaned, rubbing his eyes. "Maybe you'd like to explain to Hercules why you were trying to capsize his ship?" He asked before wacking her over the head. "I'd love to!" Y/N hissed back. "After you, dirty siren," John said, bowing down for her. Y/N rolled her eyes before swimming up, slapping her tail in his face. With a grunt, John followed. 

"This argument isn't over," John told Y/N. "Of course it isn't," Y/N hissed.

(Sequel) John Laurens X !Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now