°Chapter 3: Sea Witch°

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"You guys left half an hour ago and you're already back?" Robin asked, reading some stone tablets as Y/N and John came swimming into his layer. "You didn't give us a lot to work with," Y/N shrugged, swimming past him. "Your boy prematurely swam away, don't blame me," Robin smirked, putting down his reading material. "Yeah, yeah, yeah, anyway," Y/N said, sitting down right in front of him.

"I wanna kick the Brits out of America," She told Robin. "HAH. Right," Robin smiled. "No, she's serious," John mumbled in the background which made Robin's smile grow even wider. "Interesting... Why?" He asked. "Because John is mad at me and I'm trying to make up from my actions," She explained.

"HAH. Simp," Robin smiled, leaning on the table like surface he had been sitting at. "Look, you're a sea witch, you must have something to help me," Y/N insisted to which Robin kept his smile with eager eyes. "What do I get for it?" He asked. Unprepared, Y/N looked at John who shrugged. "Erm... Anything you want," She then opted to say to which John groaned. "Oh you stupid sh*t," He mumbled, rubbing his eyes as Robin kept staring at Y/N.

"Anything?" Robin asked and Y/N nodded. That smile of his slowly turned from amused to creepy. "Remember when I gave you that purple stuff to go to the surface world?" He asked. "Yeah, kinda made me go through some stuff. Your experiment was a little unstable," Y/N said. "Remember why I gave you that bottle?" He asked.

"Let's just say that I made a deal with someone. I had to give them something in return of my own life," He explained a frown being placed on his face.

"Yeah. You wanted me to fetch the battleplans because they had threatened to take your life," Y/N frowned to which John looked up. "I may have lied a bit to make you fully commit to the experiment," Robin admitted. "W-WHAT? YOU USED MY EMPATHY AGAINST ME?!" Y/N shrieked. "JAWHN, CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS?" She asked John who blinked and said: "You are very gullible," Is the only thing he said. 

Before Y/N had a chance to be slightly offended, Robin said: "They didn't threaten to kill me. They did take something I held dear and told me I'd have to give them something in return," He said. "You gave them the battleplans but when I asked my item back, they refused to hand it over," He hissed, clenching his smile.

"Get me my item and I'll give you something that'll guarantee your victory against the Brits," Robin said. "Deal," Y/N said, sticking out her hand. "Okay, okay," John said coming in between the two. "I'm gonna have to step in and put an end to this stupid-ass deal," He said, looking at Robin.

"John, let me take care of this," Y/N said. "You don't even know what he's going to give you, you twat," He hissed at her. "Cautious," Robin remarked. "But I don't get it. I thought you didn't care about her," He said. "I don't," John told the grinning Robin. "But this is not about her. It's about her putting more lives in danger. If she goes out there and steals the item, the Brits will take it as a direct attack from the Americans and penalize the entire country," 

"Your foresight amazes me. It could prove very useful for invading the camp," Robin remarked. "T-That's not what I was trying to insinuate," John argued back. "Still. You don't want your country to get penalized, right?" Robin asked making John grit his teeth. "Then go with her and make sure the country doesn't GET penalized," He pointed out. 

"Because like it or not, she's going to that camp with or without you," 

John shot Robin a gnarly death glare. "What's the item you'll give us when we return?" John asked. "If I told you, it wouldn't be a surprise, now would it?" Robin asked with a smile. "Deal or no deal?" He then asked Y/N, ignoring John's disgusted glare. "Deal," Y/N immediately said, grabbing Robin's loose hanging hand and shaking it. Robin glanced at John and kept smiling innocently. 

"To get to the camp you'll have to swim north for a while. They built a mini-fort where they trade human slaves in for produce and money," Robin explained to which John looked down. "Like, don't get me wrong. Sirens are the worst but-" He continued, slide glancing John. "Yeah, I'm not surprised humans would sell out other humans," He said, rolling his eyes. "Literally,"

Y/N and John had gotten rather uncomfortable as Robin was ranting about this. "Anyway. The people in those forts also housed British soldiers. They're keeping my item there," Robin said. "You'll probably find it in the general's office," He added. "What're we looking for exactly?" John asked. "Ah, so you are coming along then?" Robin asked. 

"Well yes, I can't let her do this and let the whole country down," John answered with a sigh. "Hm, interesting," Robin smiled again to which John frowned again. "What're you smiling at, sea witch-" "The item is in a bag. I presume they kept it in that bag because it's not exactly something you'd want to touch. It's a small vial with some liquid in it," He explained.

"What makes that vial so dangerous that nobody wants to touch it?" Y/N asked, raising her eyebrow in curiosity. "It's not the vial, it's the liquid," Robin told her. "What's the liquid?" Y/N asked to which Robin smiled. "That's for me to know and for you to wonder about," He said, booping her nose. John rolled his eyes to the back of his head.

"Fine, we'll get that stupid bag for you," John said. "But you better give us something good in return," He said. "Don't worry. I'm more experienced with wars than you think," Robin said slowly letting his smile fade. It felt even more unsettling than his usual smile. "Come on, John," Y/N said, turning to him. "Let's go," She said, swimming out of the cave.

"I bet 10 dollars that she and you will be a couple when you come back," Robin said as John began heading out. "You've got too much free time," John sighed and swam out.

(Sequel) John Laurens X !Mermaid! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now