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"Come on! Get your ass down here right now, Scotch! We are goin' to be late! Again!" Fiona "Fi" hollered the staircase.
Rolling my eyes, I checked my appearance in the mirror. Sighing heavy, absolutely not pleased with my outfit, I turned around and went downstairs. It won't get better by just staring at it.
"Comin'." I answered Fi with less confidence.
My best friend whistled as soon as she laid her eyes on me. "Girl, who are you and what did you do to my bff?"
"Shut up and lets go... before I make up my mind and stay at home..." Fj huffed "Only over my dead body! We are going and that's a final decision!" Dragging me outside by my arm, she lead me to the car waiting up front the neighbors garage. The twins already waiting for us, whistled as soon as they saw us. "Ladies you are all exquisite fine looking women!" Sally started giggling and took a drag from her cigarette. I looked down at my body. Black denim pants hugging my curves tightly, the black and red checkered longsleeve shirt I chose wearing fit like a second skin, making my boobs look even bigger. "Don't even think about it! You look like a snack Coralee, don't even think something else!" Annie told me from the driver's seat. "Now you lot, jump in, I've told my man we will be there at 9pm....and we are already 15 late!"


30 mins later

We all climbed out of Annie's Sedan as soon as we got to our destination: the Souleater MC Clubhouse. It was packed with people, it smelled like a big barbecue with a faint mixture of alcohol, puke and piss. Pure delight. Not. It is not like I never was here before, I was. But it was bright daylight, only a couple of people were doing their duty or whatever and I just picked up Annie. Next to me Fi jumped up and down.  "What the flying fuck is wrong with you? Calm down girl!" I laughed at her nervousness. "It's my first time in here...are these biker guys really bad, big and mean?" Annie shook her head, still smiling. "Stop worrying you two. These are fine men with a reputation.'' We all laughed at her words and Annie dragged us to the clubhouse. 

Looking around I recognized some familiar faces from the town we live in or from the days back in school.  Smiling at some, greeting one here and there, we made our way through the mass of people and went inside. Fine Rock music was blasting out of the speakers and I started to smile. I kinda started to like this place. Annie and Sally were immediately greated by some members of the Souleaters, hugged like they were family to these big and broad men.
"Guys let me introduce you to our friends - the small blonde one is Fiona." Annie pointed to Fi, who giggled. "Just call me Fi please." "And last but not least this beauty over here is Scotch." I smiled shyly at the four men in front of us. All of them greeted us warmly and they tried to converse with us. Being polite I answered when I was asked something, but otherwise I kept still, just trying to not get that much attention.
A big guy called "Willy" clapped in his hands. "Ok ladies, how about we head to the bar and we start on getting wasted!" Our little crew nodded and smiled in agreement and followed him over, me being the taillight.

Suddenly I felt someone grabbing my butt. I turned around, absolutely shocked. "What the...." "Ya got some nice ass baby... my cocks itching for ya, ya wanna have a test ride darlin'?"
I am pretty sure my eyes ogled out of my head at this point, staring the guy down. What the fuck?! I tried to get away from that scum this instant, but he gripped my arm and pulled me close. Really close. His breath stinking from alcohol. "Come on, sweet butt, I know you wanna..." he slurred and tried to get under my shirt. Frozen to the floor I just stammered that he should let me go. He ignored me and grabbed one of my breasts violently and I tried to push him from me.
All of a sudden he got dragged away. "Keep yar filthy hands away from ma gurl, bastard!" A member of the MC pushed the asshole to the ground and punched him into the face. "We don't harass pretty ladies in here fucker, mark ma words. If ya wanna wake up healthy, without yar little dick cut off, ya better leave. This instant!" My rescuer spat into the scumbags face and he ordered some men to "get the trash out". Then he turned around to face me.
My heart started to jump at his sight. He was a handsome guy in I guess his 40s with chin length hair, streaks of grey lightening up his dark hair. "How ya doin' lass? All good?" Standing right in front of me I started shaking, like real bad. Concern formed in his eyes. "Come on, I take ya somewhere quieter." That guy laid an arm around my shoulders, I could feel the cold from his leather kutte right next to me, while walking by his side. Without any further notice of my friends, he guided me into a hallway and then into a room.
"There ya go, lovie. How ya doin'?", he asked quietly while closing the door. I just managed to nod at him. "What's yar name? Haven't seen ya here before." "C-Coralee. B-but everyone calls me S-Scotch." Still feeling my hands trembling I looked around in the room. It was a simple bedroom, obviously it belonged to a guy, because there were clothes neglected in front of the dresser, some filthy magazines on the bedside table and some MC related posters. The guy smiled at me.
"Hey Scotch. I am Lennox, but everyone calls me Iarann. Ya can sit down if ya like. If it helps to get back to normality." "Thank you." Sitting myself down on the edge of the bed, I couldn't help but keep watching that guy. He went to the dresser, opened it and rummaged in it. After a while he pulled out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. "Mind if I...?" He held up the cigarettes.  I smiled and shook my head no. "What 'bout ya? Wanna?" He came closer and and suited himself on the bed next to me.
Without further thinking I smiled at him. "That'll be great, thanks." Lennox chuckled "Anytime." He handed me one cigarette and offered to light it up. Of course I accepted and breathed the first drag right into my lungs. "My friend has my personal stuff in her bag, even my cigarettes... I hate handbags..." I murmured a little. The guy next to me snickered. "Well maybe next time ya come 'round ya shall bring one... for defence purposes..." I laughed at this outburst. "Yeah but before I show up next time, I put stones in that goddamn bag..." Lennox smiled big. "That's a good decision. As long as you don't use them against ma or one of ma brothers." Shaking my head no I sighed. "Nah, I couldn't do that, you protected me. You have rules here I guess." He looked at me, taking another drag from his cancer stick, and nodded slowly. "Yeah we have. But I didn't help ya because of a fuckn rule ya know, I helped ya because ya needed help." Now I returned his look and we were watching each other smoke. Silence grew between the two of us. It wasn't awkward or anything, it was just nice, sitting there with him. Lennox cleared his throat. "If ya wanna freshen up..." He pointed to a door next to the armchair. "There is a bathroom. Feel free to use it. If ya wanna I'll wait here for ya."
Agreeing with that, I smiled at him. "Would like that." I finished off my cigarette and got up, walking to the door. "Hey. To whom belongs this room anyway?" Lennox winked at me. "Can't ya tell, lovie?" Laughing at his statement I went inside the bathroom.

Some time later

"Eh woulda do ma a favor?" Lennox asked before we readied ourselves to leave the room. "Sure." "Don't call ma Lennox out there. Just call ma Iarann. It's ma clubname outta there. When we're around each other ya can call ma by my given birth name though." "Just if you call me Scotch then." I grinned up at the tall man next to me. "I woulda like to hear that story of yas how ya gotta that name someday. Now come on, ya folk misses ya probably."
Iarann opened the door and led me out, I waited for him to lock his door and then we walked side by side back to the party, his hand resting at the small part of my back.
As soon as we stepped out of the hallway, all three of my girls rushed over to me, crushing my bones in a bear hug. Iarann stepped aside, giving us some space. "Oh Scotch!" "What happened!?" "Where were you?" I chuckled and just shook my head. "Someone invaded my personal space pretty bad and this fella over there rescued me. He just stayed with me until I calmed down." Smiling brightly at Iarann, the girls faced him. "The silent Iarann himself helped my sister from anotha motha?", Annie chuckled. "Thank you, we were pretty worried after we heard she got harrassed. We owe you buddy." Iarann shook his head no. "Ya gurls owe ma nuthin. Except maybe a small glass of Scotch." He winked at me. The girls mouth fell open in unison and I couldn't resist the urge to laugh out loud.  They were looking from me to him and the other way around. "Did he just..."  Fi asked quietly at my side, still shocked by his choice of words. "Well then fine sir, lead us to the bar and I'll see what I can do for you." I ignored the others and held up my hand for Iarann to take. Annie glanced at us, as he took my offer and pulled me with him. "Well then lads, follow ma." He said with a smug grin.

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