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The next day

Scotch was helping some of the girls in the kitchen, while I was downing again some shots. We didn't talk much about last night, or better said we didn't talk much in general. Everyone of the club and the club's families were on edge.
With a murder just around the corner, I guess it is hard to be cheerful and happy.
I poured myself another drink, it was about 11:45 a.m.

This was going to be a rough day, at least that was what I supposed it will be. On one hand I couldn't wait for our befriended MC to get here, on the other side I dreaded their arrival. I wasn't exactly ready for the details how they died and more importantly by whom. I feared another war. Looking up from my now empty glass, I searched for Scotch. Locking eyes with her I sent her a silent plead. Worriedly she looked back at me and came over. "Iarann? What's up?" I just looked at her, in desperate need to memorize her whole features, everything. "I never wanna forget how beautiful ya are." "Iarann... you kinda scare me here?" "Sorry love." I hugged her, holding her close. "It's just I canna say what happens today, and I ha a really bad feeling deep inside my guts..."
Scotch held me tight. "Don't worry, Iarann. Everything will be fine in the end, you'll see." I stayed silent, not able to let her go. I knew it sounded more like a goodbye, but I couldn't shake those feelings of mine off.

Suddenly a loud roar of engines could be heard from the parking lot.  They were here.
The boys, who happened to be all here today, made their way out of the clubhouse. Reluctantly I let go of Scotch, planting one small kiss on her lips, I joined my brothers outside.

At the table

Owl opened the meeting like always. "A very warm welcome to our brothers of the Bonecrusher MC. Words can't describe how sorry we are for your loss, guys. Your boys left an empty hole in your and of course in our hearts as well." We nodded in agreement, Breaker patted Crazys shoulder, who let his head hang down. "Thank you brother. It means a lot to my MC.", Tom "Buffalo" Walker said. "I know you all wonder what happened, so who am I to withhold any details." He took a deep breath. "We had some situations with another rivalry gang. The irish bastards. Don't know if you ever heard of them?"
I looked up at his words. "Aye. I did. Some pricks, who think they own the world... only someone who thinks like them is worthy ta join tha shite. They teach that Ireland is the only country worthy ta fight for. I am Irish by birth, some of them aren't. They chose ta be.  They came ta ma place one time and offered an membership if I would deny my Scottish roots. I told them arseholes ta fuck off.", I stated and pulled out a cigarette. Buffalo nodded. "Exactly. Well usually we give  shit about groups or gangs like that who only make party and drink beer like these do. But this time is different. They started selling drugs to kids at schools. Nelson and Ghost were on a mission to find out where they had their headquarters. Both got caught from them, they were watching us for a long time. They sent us a tape. Our boys were tortured.  They cut our Nelsons tongue while filming it!! We brought the tape with us, but I warn you, it is not.... " his voice broke. "Buffalo, we don't need to watch that, we believe your words. All of us do.", Willy said into the silence. "Can... can I watch it? I-I need to see what they did to my cousin..." Crazy spoke quietly.
Oh for God's sake... "Crazy, don't do tha to ya, boy!" "Iarann, I have to. He deserves it. And Nelson too." We all looked at him dumbfounded. "Crazy..." "NO! I need to know what they did, what they exactly did..no sugarcoating... no bullshit. I need to know, so I can think of a perfect wrath."
With his words, I started to think about, what I would do if that happened to anyone of my family, to my girls. I looked at Crazy. "I get ya brotha. I'll keep ya company." He nodded thankfully.
Owl coughed. "Were can we help Buffalo?" "We don't have many members left. It's just me, Lion, Sarge,  Eddie, JB, the prospect Junior and two hangarounds. We can't do shit alone. The Irish are, what? Iarann you know how many?"
I shrugged. "A little more than 40-50?" "Yeah that was my guess too. I know you aren't many as well. But I know you have the connections to the reapers. And as far as I know, they had some problems with those fuckers too."
"Ok I'll see what I can do. I reach out to them and as soon as I have an answer we talk again. Do you guys stay here?" "Yeah we'd like to. The police wired our clubhouse." "You and your boys are always welcome, make yourself home." "We appreciate it, thank you." "All right,  gavel dismissed!"

Later that day, it was way past dinner time, I made my way out of the meeting room, after watching the tape together with Crazy just like I promised. As fast as I could I ran to the next trashcan and threw up. I knew the Irish could be brutal, but I have never seen such coldhearted actions before.

This tape brought back memories of dark rooms and broken bones.

Crazy was crying out in pain and in agony inside the room, Breaker and Bear were there for him, while I puked my guts out.
Scotch stormed my way. "Oh shoot... Lennox, baby...", she cooed, while she tried to comfort me.
Owl, Willy and the others, who sat around with the friends of ours, looked at me concerned. They knew I am not a pussy, I was more often drenched in blood as someone else can count and I probably had more injuries than the whole club.
I let myself sink to the floor, breathing heavy.  "Iarann, are you alright?", Scotch whispered and touched my sweaty forehead.  "Aye. At least I ain't sick or something." "What happened?" "This time ya don't need ta know, love. Just let ma tell ya, now I know how the two of the others got killed.",I breathed  out slowly, trying to keep my stomach down and my spinning head still. My head started pounding and I felt like my inside was on it's way out. Again.

Scotch's face went pale at my words, but she already new better than to dig for more answers. She waved for Madman, who stood next to us. "Give us a hand, would you?" Madman just nodded and crouched down next to me. "Come buddy, let's get you in your bed." I just gave one nod. And with that Madman helped me up and guided me to my room, Scotch on our heels. 

In my room Madman helped me out of my kutte and folded it neatly before laying it on my dresser. The muffled cries of Crazy still could be heard here in the back of the clubhouse. 
I took a hold of Madman's forearm.  "Go, take care of him. He needs ya all. I'll come by, but help him. Now, go. Don't worry, Scotch is here with ma.", I ordered quietly.  Madman looked at me with an intense glare, but left anyway.
Scotch scooted closer, afraid of what's going to happen. "Baby don't worry.  I'll get along. Just help ma get comfy." Scotch nodded and untied my boots and helped me to get out of my leather pants. Never letting her out of my eyes, I took her hand in mine.  "Cuddle?" She just looked at me, still worried.
After a few minutes intense staring  she climbed in bed next to me. I pulled her close, breathing in her scent, feeling instantly better. "Baby I won't lie. Those people, who killed the two boys, are nasty shite. I've seen stuff I can't wrap my head around. The club will definitely vote on helping the others. I want you and Josy safe. Stay put, stay right here. Don't go home. Call yar Mum tomorrow that she and Josy come back here. Only here we can keep an eye out for ya all. Call in sick or quit yar job, I don't care, but please don't leave until everything is settled. And in case of ma not coming back to ya...", I swallowed.  "No. You come back. End of it.", she interrupted. "Listen babe. There is a chance tha I won't make it. And in tha case I need to know ya two are safe. In ma dresser, bottom drawer, there are papers. Birth certificate and stuff. Remove them. It has a secret hidden drawer underneath. In there it is a small handgun, ammunition, 8000 $, an adress for getting fake IDs and coordinates. These coordinates will lead ya to Scotland - to my home. Even a marriage certificate is in there, ya just need to fill In yar real name, so ma home is all yars. I want ya and the kid out here as soon as the shite starts boiling up big time. The minute ya know I won't return, open tha fucking drawer, take all of it and go. Stay safe. For ma." Scotch looked at me, tears falling down. "Promise ma, baby. " "I- I pr-promise...." I sighed feeling way better. "And I promise I'll do all I can to get back home.  To ma gurls." , I whispered.
Scotch nodded and laid her head on my chest, cuddling closer.  I held her tight, still continuing to soothe her. 
This evening I told her about Scotland, about my home, until both of us fell asleep, exhausted and drained of that day.
My last thoughts though were, that I swore to myself, that I'll finish off those sick bastards.

They got to my family once, way back when I was a kid.  Now they got to my non-blood-family. I won't let them get to my girls.  They're all I have. I am going to kill these fuckers.

Even when it is the last thing I'll do.

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