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A few days later the lockdown was over.
The police got the guys who broke into Annie's apartment.
The club wasn't happy about it, so they decided to keep their loved ones close.

Iarann's POV

"Ya gotta be kiddn me.", he murmured . "Ya really wanna tell us, tha those assholes will be on the street the day after tomorrow? Can't we do sumthin?"
Bill glared at me. "And what?" "We still could hunt them down.", Jimmybob said next to me.
All of the guys looked at him. "Well it is easy. They hurt my girl. They nearly raped her twin sister. I am not staying put and let those Nazis fuck me from behind!" I nodded in agreement. "Aye!" "Guys, guys, guys. I know. I don't like that at all, too. But the law is already behind it, they are watching us. One shitty move and we all end up in jail. Again.", Owl reasoned. "How bout we keep our ladies here?", Bear suggested. "Too crowded man... the kids are going crazy!",Breaker said with shaking his head no. "Ok listen. We investigate in this on our own. Willy call your contact, we need his help. We need to lay low this time, or our gun-deal is out the window and you know that." I snorted at that. "Why tha Russian bastards though..they ain't good..." "We have to. The Italian are out of the picture, since ole grumpy got himself a little holy." Laughter errupted at the table. "Sure thing, he was a dumbass." "Aye, but he had the money and he was fun." "All right folks. Tell me when you know something new. Gavel dismissed. Iarann can I talk to you about something private?" I looked up at our our president and nodded. Staying put in my seat, I lit another cigarette, waiting for the others to leave and close the door. "What ya want Owl?" "Straight forward as always. Ok. Uhm. I need an advice." Looking at Owl askingly, I just said "shoot." "I am in a relationship kinda thing for almost 10 years now. And I want to make it official, but I dunno how." "Uhm.... I am not exactly an expert in stuff like tha... ya should ask Breaker.. . It's his second marriage..." "I am asking you this, not Breaker, because we both might get to be family." Confused I looked at him. "Come again?" Owl sighed heavy. "I am screwing Rosie, Scotchs mother, for that amount of time. We were together in high school. She went to college, I didn't. She came back married, I already was neck deep into club business. After her husband died of cancer, she came to my house. Drunk as hell, crying. And then we made it a regular thing." I looked at him, my mouth agape. "Wow. Fuck. Uhm. I don't ha' to call ya dad, do I?" Owl looked at me amused. "Better not, son." He snickered. "Well, just do it. Don't give a shit bout anyone. Just make it official.  Maybe Rosie should tell it Scotch. She already is worried why her mother fit in so well in here."
Owl laughed. "Yeah she does. And boy she can cook." "Aye she does." "Ok thanks Iarann. Are ya heading to Scotch later?" "Actually no. She's coming here. Rosie and Josy are heading a couple of days outta town, visiting her sister." Owl was surprised.  "She didn't tell me that!" "Well she ain't yar ole lady yet... think about how you can make it official until she's back. Call or text her, tha she shall have fun and take care of her and Josy. She will like tha." I got up from my seat. "Alright. If ya need sumthin else, I am headin up front, Pops." Owl laughed out loudly. "Fuck you, Iarann!"

4 hours later

I was still sitting at the bar, waiting for Scotch to get here. She should've been here about one hour ago. No call, no text message.
"Calm down buddy. She probably is still at work. Hospitals suck with working over hours.'', Bear told me and patted my shoulder.
Then the clubhouse phone went off and Madman, standing next to it  answered.
After a short conversation he hung up again. He cleared his throat and grimaced at me. "Iarann?" "Aye?" "That was the police department... Scotch's sitting in a cell, waiting for someone to bail her out."
"What?" My dumbfounded face must be pretty priceless, because my brothers all started laughing. "I canna believe it! Did they say why?" Madman just shrugged. "And you guys said she's a decent woman...", I murmured, downed my drink and got up. "I guess I am going to get her... and whip her cute and delicious arse..." Again laughter errupted. Owl shook his head, still smiling. "Need a companion?" "I don't need one, but maybe she needs help, because my hands are itching..."

In the end all of us decided to go there to pick her up, curious why she ended up in a cell.

We parked our bikes next to the police station and I got off. "We wait here, for the little jail bird.", Breaker snickered. "Yeah go, bail her out. What could she've done? Being to polite?" I grinned. "Aye. I guess she got a speeding ticket and her smartass mouth got her into trouble... ok I am heading in. See ya in a few."

Quickly I made my way to the front desk. "Hey, uhm, I am here to bail out Corallee Trammell?" The lady looked at me, saw my kutte and shook her head. "No wonder that she's in trouble, when she hangs out with people like you..." Biting my tongue, I just smiled bittersweet at that grey old hag. "Yeah, wait here. ALAN, GET OVER HERE! SOMEONES HERE TO BAIL OUT THAT TRAMMELL CHICK!" And with that she turned back to her files and ignored me completely. 
A few minutes later an officer came over. "Bail out for Trammell?" "Aye that'll be ma." He nodded at me and gestured for me to follow him. He led me to the cells. "Don't be surprised, but she looks a little worn out."
Worn out? What's that supposed to mean?
Leading me to a cell in the back, we passed a cell with an inmate I already knew. "IARANN! Thank God! I knew you were going to rescue me, babe!" The girl came to the cell bars, trying to grip my kutte. I looked at her, she looked like she was in a bar fight.  "Brit? What happened to ya?!" "It was that big bitch! She hauled for me and threw her fists at me. She broke my nose! My freaking nose!", she whined pretty loud. A rather loud snort came from a cell on the other end.
"You had it coming skank! Nobody's talking bullshit about my man when I am around! You could be glad it's just your freaking nose bitch, I could break your whole skull in, if YOU wanna! And if you keep talking to MY MAN, I whip your ass again!"
My eyes followed the well known voice, I am growing very fond of. "Sorry Brit, ain't here for ya. I guess ya ha to wait a little longer, dear." I grinned at her. Her face playing all kind of emotions.
I shook my head, walking to Scotch's cell. "Hey, darlin." Scotch leaned at the wall. "Hey. 'bout freaking time. Get me outta her, or I am doing some forbidden by law things to that missy over there!" Her arms were folded against her body, her bottom lip had a big cut on the side, dried blood on her knuckles and her face, obviously her eye turning into all shades of blue. I whistled at her sight. "She got ya real good, lovie." "Haven't seen her right then. Ripped out her fucking whole fake hair. She lost her front teeth too."
I just shook my head, trying not to grin. "What did ya get yaself into, Corallee. Didna think I was dating a criminal!"
Brit in her cell started to lash out. "You piece of shit! You dating that ugly ass? What's next - fucking goats?", she screeched.  Scotch immediately clutched the cell bars tight and hollered back. "Ey bitch, he never would fuck a goat, because they would remind him of you!", she spat.
The officer looked at me with an apologetic expression. "Sorry pal. But please take her outta here. One more minute and I am going to shoot both of them. Or I am putting both in one cell, turn around and just wait till it's over..." he leaned closer to me. "But just between us - that girl here..", he pointed at Scotch, "she is pretty good at throwing punches. I would bet on her for winning."

Some time later

After filling out the required paperwork, Scotch was ready to go.  She was grumpy to say the least.
As soon as we walked out of the police station, the guys hollered. 
I grinned at the guys. "Ey Iarann what did she do?" "She got into a bitchfight with Brit. She was defending my honour." Scotch just rolled her eyes. "They could have waited a few more minutes... than that fucking whore would suck dick better than ever - toothless!", she stated, still pissed.
The guys looked at her than at me. "What exactly did she say to piss you off like that?", Jimmybob asked. "Last time you played her cool!" "She told me how unfuckable Iarann is, how bad of a kisser and shit like that.  But what took me really off, was that she said, I would be the best choice to starring together with her in her new movie - the two rugfucks. She fuckinv insults me, then Iarann and then she tried to get in my pants!" The guys and I looked dumbfounded at her, while Scotch still ranted on. Then we all started laughing out loud and clapping. "Gosh, didn't laugh like that in a long time!", Willy breathed out, holding his ribs still chuckling. "How about putting your little criminal jailbird on that bike of yours and bring her home? Oi, guys, how bout we check in at the red legs in?" Some nodded agreeing togeth our brothel, others declined, driving back to the clubhouse. "Come on, ma heroine of tha fuckn day, let's get ya home. There's waiting a pretty bottle of sumthin good for us."

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