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A few days later

(3rd person POV)

Crazy took the news to the club the same night he got it. He started seeing the nurse Mackenzie on club behalf, because she could help to get to those assholes who attacked the girls and Bear. Totally aware of using the girl, Crazy kind of started to like her. He was afraid that the Irish would lash out to hurt Mackenzie and he didn't like it at all.

Bear woke up in the meantime, got his release papers, but still stayed at the hospital to take care of his wife at all costs. 

Skye did wake up too a day after Bear got released. Unfortunately when she heard, she lost her baby, she freaked out. Both, Bear and Breaker, had to calm her down, after she started trashing the room. She got into psychological treatment and she got monitored after the loss.

Corallee stayed unconcious. Rosie and Iarann took turns in staying with her. Neither of them wanting to leave her alone.

Iarann though couldn't keep calm, he was going nuts. In his eyes the club didn't put enough effort in taking care of the Irish problem.

Iarann's POV

"Willy - I told ya... we need to track them down. They will attack more of us to weaken us!" I argued with Willy in front of my girls room. "Iarann I know, but at this moment we can't do shit,  our hands are tied! We don't have enough information! Everything we have leads into nothing so far!" Sighing frustrated, I pulled at my hair.  "I know you are worried brother, but keep your focus on Scotch. She needs you. And for that matter she needs you hole. Don't run into bullshit. We do what we can!" I looked at him, seeing the truth behind his eyes. He swallowed.  "Iarann... I have to ask you something... you were hunted by Irish men. Is there any possibility that these, who did this, and those you ran away for, are actually the same?" "Willy,  I already told Owl. I don't know. It coulda be. If ya get ma some names, I can tell ya." Willy nodded. "Working on it man." He patted my shoulder and left.

Going back into Corallee's room, I took my seat next to her. I must have dosed off, because I woke up, with my cellphone vibrating in my pocket.

"Aye." "Mister Doherty.  Whatta pleasure." A male with an Irish accent answered. "Who's tha?" "Oh come on lad, ya know ma." "Sullivan, is tha ya?" "Aye, it is." "Bloody hell..." "How are ya doin', brotha?" "Ya don't wanna know... shite... how did ya get ma number?" "I'll tell ya, when it's time. Listen to ma. Ya are in grave danger, I bet ya know tha." "What do ya talk about?" "The Irish brotherhood is on yar heels again... I heard Keenan talking to Callahan. Is it true, ya have a new lass?" "Aye..." "For God's sake, then it is true, they attacked her..." "Aye... and one of ma brothers from ma motorcycle club and his wife.  They killed her unborn child..." "Oh no.... Lennox, brother, take tha lass of yars and leave now!"

I sighed in agony.

"Sullivan even if I could, there's no chance... I ain't run away anymore... besides I am sitting at ma gurls side in the hospital... we still don't know if she makes it through." "Oh ma goodness... not again... wasn't it enough they killed ma sister, yar wife? I'm sorry Lennox... I didn't meant for ya to live like tha." "Sullivan we've both been in the resistance. Not all of tha is yar fault." "Shite... sumone's coming... gotta go... I'll call ya, when I know sumthin else."
The line went dead and I looked at my phone. "Fuck..."

Later that day

I made my way into the clubhouse, followed by Breaker and Bear. "Guys, to the table! Iarann has some news." Breaker yelled with a threatening voice.
A few minutes later all of us gathered at the table. Some looking curious at me, others showed no emotions.
"So what's so important to share with us Iarann?", Owl asked.
I took a drag from my cigarette before I answered him. "Ma past, ma present and ma future." "Leave the cryptic shit and tell us what happened!", Willy growled.
"I received a call from my brother in law." All eyes were on me by that statement.
"I guess I ha to share some of ma past then... ya guys know I got followed by the Irish...they hunted ma down from Ireland to Scotland... I thought I was save in the states, but I was all wrong... they found ma, or better said ma and ma wife Moira. We were a part of the Irish resistance, fighting a war against the Irish brotherhood. Ma wife was the daughter of a high family of the brotherhood... her father hunted us. The day Moira got killed,  it was an accident... we argued, she got a letter of her Ma', telling her to come back home, because she was in her deathbed. I didn't like it and she started to fight with ma. Tha's when she got hit by a semi truck, driven by an Irish member... he was supposed to kill ma and bring Moira back to Ireland...but instead he killed ma wife..."
Pausing at this, I glanced at my brothers. The silence in the room was far from comfortable.
"And now, Sullivan, her brother, called ma. He told ma, they are still looking for ma.  yar'll needa know, he is reliable... he is a big part of the resistance. His father doesn't know though. He told ma to run, but I wanna be honest to ya guys. I am tired of running. I want ma father in law dead. What he did to ma wife and now to ma lass, he deserves to die."
And then hell broke loose.  Everyone talked at the same time,  I just leaned back into my seat and lit another cigarette, looking at the ashtray.
Crazy got up and fired up a warning shot. "SHUT THE FUCK UP GUYS! CAN'T YOU SEE?" He pointed at me.

I didn't realize it, but tears were running down my face and I had problems with breathing. "I am sorry... so, so sorry..."

"Iarann... may I ask... but what exactly does that mean, you were a part of the resistance?" Bear asked calmly. "I... I was fighting against the brotherhood. It's almost the same like Nazis over here. Scumbags trying to seclude by race, skincolour and heritage. The resistance started to fight against them first with boycotts, later with literal fights, war like. The Irish brotherhood has connections to the IRA, started dealing with drugs. So we had to stop tha." Bear nodded. "And how did you end up with a daughter of these?", Jimmybob asked. "I knew her brother for a long time. He always fought against his father's rules. Then he became some kind of double agent... he played along with his father to get information for the resistance. Actually he still does. At one point when it all started to get ugly, he came to ma, brought ma his sister. He told ma to keep her safe. I did, but we fell in love for each other. His father thought I kidnapped her and she was afraid of him finding out the truth of her being part of the resistance too. So we ran away. We married in Scotland and the moment we settled in together, her father tracked us down. Tha's when we left our home with the intention of never coming back."
"Holy fuck..."
"The attacks against the gurls and ya ma brother, were initiated by the Irish brotherhood. They still wanna see ma bleed."

Owl nodded. "Thanks for coming clear. Any idea how we handle it now?" Finally I looked up at Owl. "Yar still going to help ma, after I poured tha shite all over the club?"
Breaker, Bear, Crazy, Jimmybob, Madman, Willy and Owl grinned at me. "Yeh... they didn't just hurt you Iarann. They made it damn clear. They got way to personal - we are a family. We fight and we die - together.  They hurt our brothers from the Bonecrushers. They hurt our girls. They hurt Bear and if I am not wrong, they were behind the burglary when Jimmybob got injured. They killed an innocent. With that they made their problem with you  to a problem with the whole fucking club!"
Several shouts in agreement could be heard.

Suddenly there was a knock on the door and Squirt's head appeared in the doorway.

"Sorry to interrupt, but Rosie called. Iarann, Scotch is just waking up."

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