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Couple of hours later

"Hey lovie. It's almost 4:30. We need to getta outta here, or yar baby will wait for ya." Iarann called from the entrance.
I smiled at him. "One minute, just saying goodbye!"
Bending down to bid my farewells to Annie and her man, I hugged both of them. Even Breaker's wife Tanja hugged me. She and Breaker returned to the club this morning, together with their kids. "Next time you come over, be sure to take your girl with you. Benny needs a kid in his age to play with." She smiled brightly. I nodded at her, while laughing about that.

Then I hurried to catch my ride.

Iarann waited outside, sitting on his Harley, finishing off his cigarette.
"Sorry. The girls wouldn't let me go." I apologized as I made my way through the parking lot. "It's fine. Glad ya come along. " he said breathing out his smoke. "Now come on, let's roll and get ya home, darlin'."
He handed me a helmet and gestured to his back. I smiled at him. Had been way to long since the last time I rode a motorcycle.
Gracefully I climbed on the motorcycle and seated myself behind him and he started the engine.  "Hold on tight, lovie." He said and put my arms around his waist. He smiled at me and then we were off on the streets. Pleasurably I closed my eyes and enjoyed the rumbling engine underneath, the wind in my hair and the feeling of freedom. I laughed happily when different feelings of happiness washed over me. Feeling Iarann's hand on top of mine, I felt more content than the last couple of months all together.
Iarann already knew the way to my place, after I described the directions to him during our breakfast.
"Hang on darlin'. I guess it's time for an extra round." He said out loud, to get heard above the sound of his bike.

Of course the round around my block was shorter than I liked it, but still it was incredible, to say at last.

The handsome biker in front of me cut of the engine, the minute he pulled up in front of my house. I lingered a moment longer on his bike, still holding him.
Breathing in deeply, I got off the bike and pulled down the helmet. Iarann stayed put on his Harley.
"Thank you. I guess I kinda missed riding..." Iarann chuckled. "Aye, I could tell by yar laughter. Fells good huh." "Absolutely. Wanna come in for a sec?"
Biting my bottom lip, I looked at him expectantly.
"Sorry, love. But I can't. Hav' ta do some shite."
Yeah sure....
Disappointed by his words I looked away, trying to hide my feelings. "Maybe I can swing by later?", he asked while looking at me.
Now smiling shyly at him, I nodded. "Yeah, no problem. But text me before you come by, not that I am taking a shower then or something." He grinned at me.
"I wouldn't mind hitting the shower with ya, and that's for sure. But I will give ya a heads up, lovie. Alright. Gotta go. Gimme ol' bastard a kiss, will ya?" He pulled me close to him, without further warning. Laughing lightly I fulfilled his wish and pecked his lips.
"I wanna ha' a fuckin' kiss, not a peck ya give ya granny, darlin.", he growled grinning naughty. So I leaned down to him, cupped his face with my hands and kissed him deeply. 

Suddenly someone cleared his throat behind us.

We were caught off guard by my mother standing in the driveway.
"Oh shit." I whispered as soon as I realized who she was. "Hi Mom."
Iarann loosened his grip around my hips and straightened himself on his motorcycle. "Corallee. And who's that?" My mother pointed to the man next to me, still having an arm around me. Iarann climbed from his motorcycle, introducing himself. "Good evening Mrs. Trammell. I am Lennox Doherty." Gently he took my hand in his. "It's nice to meet ya."
My mother raised an eyebrow. "Uhm, I guess... I am getting Josy out of my car."
Then she turned around and went back to her car.
"Well tha didn't go as planned...", he said and grimaced at me.
"Iarann I am so sorry... " I stammered,  but got interrupted by Iarann's lips on mine. Only this time we just shared an innocent kiss.
"Don't worry lovie. It's all fine."
Then again we were interrupted. "MOOOOOMMYYYYY!!" My little girl, Josy, ran to us, holding her small arms open for a hug. Catching her in her run, I lifted her up and spinned her around. "Hi baby. How was it at grandma's?" "Mommy we went to the zoo yesterday, I saw penpuins!" "Babe they are called PenGUINs. But that is awesome!" I hugged my daughter. "Mommy?! Who's that?" She pointed at Iarann over my shoulder.
"Oh that is..." "Lennox. I am a friend of yar Mommy." "You talk funny.", Josy stated. "Baby don't say something like that!" "Nah it's fine, lov- uhm... Corallee. She's right ya now. Ok, I gotta go. I give ya a heads up, when I'll be over, all right?" I smiled at him, my kid still in my arms, my mother now positioned next to me. "Alright. Safe ride, Lennox." I winked at him, he just rolled his eyes and leaned in to kiss my cheek. "Later, darlin'.", he whispered into my ear.
After that I stood there in my driveway, grinning like an idiot, watching him saddle up his motorcycle and driving away.
"A biker huh." My mother brought me back into the here and now. "Yeah..." I smiled at her. "Tell him if he treats my babygirl like shit, I am going to rip his nuts out and feed him them for lunch." "MA!" She smiled at me. "Just want you to be in good hands, Corallee. And I know guys like him enough. Now come inside, I brought dinner with me."


Thank you so much for reading so far.  I hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I do. Creative suggestions and feedback always welcome!
I know it is mushy till now, but I just got started 😈
Oh and if someone has suggestions about some biker-rock-music, give 'em to me!!  Thx in advance!

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