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Owl's POV

All of us were positioned. I didn't like this idea from the beginning. It was an unanimous club vote, but still I had my doubts. Iarann and Crazy knew this was a trap from the Irish, so they decided to play along.
Both of them went in, we others were ordered to wait. Iarann knew there won't be just a few guards, the Irish were set on manpower.
Then I heard a whistle. Willy on my side whispered. "Ok they are goin' in. Wait on the command guys."
"This is crazy... they get themselves killed...", I muttered in desperate need for a cigarette.
"Willy both are big boys, don't worry. There won't be any bodies here, except for the Irish."
Bear appeared next to me. He pointed at the street leading to the farm. "They are coming.", he said with his baritone. Five black vans drove to the farmhouse. Seeing how many people got out of them, they were packed. About thirty man positioned themselves around the farm, when one of the sheds opened up. A long limousine came down the street, driving directly to the barn.
"This must be big ole daddy...", Breaker whispered.
We were hiding a little above the "my little prairie" scenery, behind some rocks, bushes and dirty nature. We couldn't be seen from down the farmhouse, so we waited for a sign of Iarann or Crazy.
I wanted to say something, but the now closed barn door slipped open and three people slipped out.
"Gimme that!" I hissed and took the night vision device from Willy.
"Fuck! That's Scotch and her friend!" I could feel all the others tensing up at my side.
Buffalo came to me. "Was that a part of your glorious plan, too?" He hissed.
"No, definitely not." "We need to act now. They have five people of us in hostage. We need to act." "I agree... but silently, we don't need to be seen, remember!"
A low whistle and all of us started crawling down the small hill to the farmhouse.

We stayed put, when Iarann yelled "NOOOO!".
And then we heard a gunshot and a wailing girl.

"No..." I whispered.
I looked to my brothers and nodded at them.
Bear jumped up with a loud "FUCK IT." and started running to the farm. Breaker followed suit, both of them armed from head to toe.
All the others, including me got up and ran down the hill, taking every enemy out on our way to the farm.

They'll pay for what they did to my family.

Iarann's POV

I just had eyes for my dear Corallee, her pain in her eyes for her lost friend, was all I needed to see to drive me further.
"Ya son of a bitch! You'll pay for tha!"
Big ole daddy chuckled and came one step closer to me.
Suddenly we heard gunshots and yelling from the outside.
Crazy grinned at me. "There you go asshole, the cavalry is here!" Crazy started laughing, well, like crazy.
Pops didn't look amused at all. "Ya've planned all this?" He hissed at me.
"No... we didn't..."
"I did.... father!" Sullivan held Corallee behind his back, pointing a gun at his father and one of his guys disarmed the old man.
His father looked shocked at first, then realization hit him.
"Ya planned all this? Don't tell ma yar one of the heads of the resistance? Boy, ya are ma blood!"
"Aye, I am. But so was Moira. Moira and ma were the heads behind the resistance, but after ya gave tha order to kill Iarann and her, it was only ma. Now ya ha to pay, for what ya did to her, to Iarann and to this poor girl!" He pointed at Fionas body on the floor.
There was a tumult on the front door and some of my brothers came in. Holding their guns at gunpoint. The guards who were holding me and Crazy gave up and kneed down, holding their hands in surrender over their heads.
"Ya bastards! Tha was a setup!"
Sullivan laughed. "Ya had it coming for years father."
I got up and nodded at Sullivan. He handed me a gun wordlessly.
"Bring out ma girl, she doesn't need to see this.", I murmured at him and he nodded in agreement.
Corallee looked at me, seeing my grim expression.
She straightened up, came close to me  hugged me and kissed the corner of my lips. Without a word she looked into my eyes and just nodded. She walked around me, trying to steady herself, and stumbled into Owls waiting arms. He immediately brought her outside.
Madman followed with Mackenzie in his arms, while the others stayed put.
Willy nodded at me, he sported a pretty busted lip, and he and some Reaper guys tied up the other Irish men and guided them outside too. Leaving only Bear,Breaker, Crazy, Sullivan and me behind with the old man.
"I guess tha means all of yar men either gave up or well face their creator." I snickered. "Ya never thought of tha, Pops, did ya? Yar own son, yar daughter... all against ya... yar no more worth than the dirt under my shoes!"
With a scream the old man lunged forward to his son, punching him in the face. "Ya betrayed ma! I donna ha' a son!", he cried and my guys tackled him down, tying him to a chair, they found in the front room.

Helping Sullivan to get up, I checked his face. Sullivan shrugged me off and went to his father.

He sneered at him.

"Ya know, when Ma' died. She told ma sumthin."
Everyone looked at them, including me.
"She told ma, ya kidnapped her, when she was a teen, ya kept her locked. Ya came every night to her, claiming what was yars, even if it wasn't. Ya forced yaself on her! When she got pregnant with Moira and ma, she was afraid of our wellbeing, tha's why she was willing to marry ya! Even if it looked like she started to support ya, she made sure to raise two warriors. Warriors for a better life." He spat in his father's face.
Stunned I wasn't able to do anything except for listening to my brother in law.
"She hated ya. From the bottom of her heart. And now... now I- we - have ya, where ya belong."
Sullivan looked at me. "Brotha. What shall we do now? Yar choice."
I grinned at that. "Bear?" A grunt to my left, showed me that he heard me. "The first round is yars." I handed him my chib.
Bear smiled at me and took the knife.
"You old prick nearly killed my wife. You killed my unborn child though. I think... yeah... I think you should feel what she felt..."

Some time later

Bear handed me my knife back. The old man had cuts all over his body. Some deep, some not so deep. Blood was running down his body.
"Iarann. It is time.", Crazy said to me.
I nodded at him.
Sullivan nodded, and I walked to my father in law, leaning in, whispering into his ear. "It's yar own fault, Pops."

He went limp under my touch, my knife sticking deep in his neck.

I turned around and left the house, leaving the others to clean up.

The moment I stepped out, I felt a soft thud. Corallee ran into me, hugging me tightly. Tears streamed down her pretty face. "It is over, love. It is over.", I whispered into her ear tenderly and held her close, needing to feel her.
Owl went in and carried the body of Fiona out.
I pressed Corallee to me, not wanting her to see the body of her lost friend. Owl gently laid the body into one of the vans and ordered someone of our buddies to drive her to the coroner.
Still holding Corallee's sobbing frame to mine, Owl nodded at me.

He ordered "Burn this shithole down."

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