Chapter 1

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"Mon-el!" I yell from the earth as I watched him go. "Mon-el! Mon-el!" I sob, falling to the ground, my knee falling into the mud pit. I see him zooming off in the pod. I am yelling at nothing. He's not there. There's nothing there. He's gone. And there's nothing I can do about it. Suddenly, I feel someone shake me.

I wake up from another nightmare. I feel my face soaked with tears as I look up to no one. I sit up in my bed and look all over my room. Who had woken me? Maybe it was myself, trying to snap me out of seeing the same thing over and over again. I turn and look to my left were Mon-el use to sleep.

It's empty. The blankets are flat, and I feel nothing over there. My hand brushes against every cover, hoping that if I just remembered the time he was here, that he would appear. I close my eyes hoping, praying that he would show.

When I open my eyes, I am filled with more pain, more regret, more sadness than I have ever felt. I squeeze my eyes shut crying myself back to sleep. He was not there, why would I think he would be. He was gone. Gone.

The next day, I wake up, unsure when I had fallen back to sleep. Eyes puffy, a new frown, and messy hair from the awful night. It the same every morning.

I get out of bed and look at myself in the mirror. I see an unhappy, sad, and tragic girl who feels like she lost everything. Then, I take a deep breath and put on that fake smile. I smile the pain away, so no one will know, no one will have to ask me what's wrong.

I get dressed and before I know it I'm off to Catco. I walk through the door and greet Ms. Grant with her coffee and then get to work. I spend most of the day there, then during break, I rush over to the DEO and fight another alien. It's all easy and smooth.

After work I go to the DEO again. I practice my skills until I'm needed. After a while of nothing, I decided to go home. I know I don't talk as much as I did, but it's hard. All they want to know is how you're doing and how you feel. But I just didn't want to talk about it.

I get home to an eerie, quite apartment. I flip on the lights and put my jacket down, my keys on the table. I move over to my balcony and look out. The city was lite up on a quiet evening looking beautiful. My eyes wonder to the sky. I see the stars sparkle and I can't help but shed a tear when I see a small comet go by.

There's a knock on the door and I wipe away the tear quickly. I look through the door with my x ray vision to see Alex. I ignore her and stay quiet. I don't want a lecture or a pep talk, I just want to be alone. I look back out into the city.

"Kara, I'm going to open the door." She said with irritation, "I have a key." I hear her fiddle with the lock and unlock it. She enters, and I turn to face her still on the balcony.

"I was coming." I lied.

"Kara, can we talk?" Alex asked with concern and sympathy.

"I'm kinda busy." I said turning back to the view of the city. The lights sprinkled, and I only thought of one person.

"Kara, you're not busy. Please just sit down." I turn to see her looking at me, and all my thoughts get pushed away.

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