Chapter 30

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I woke up the next morning, barely keeping my eyes wide enough to see as the sun shined through the curtains. I pleasantly rolled over to see Monel looking right at me.

I couldn't help but smile at him and move closer to him. He opens his arms, allowing my body to be engulfed in his safe, secure arms. Then, as I situate myself, he places a kiss on my forehead. I lean my head on his chest as I admire this amazing opportunity.

"It's so perfect." I finally say into his chest. I couldn't believe I was here with him.

"Uh?" He asks obviously unable to hear what I said. I lift my head so I could look into his beautiful eyes and he stared back at me, curious to hear my statement.

"This is just so perfect." I smile as I finish my sentence. "What did I do to deserve you?" I ask him before I lean in and kiss him passionately. His surprised expression makes me giggle.

"You got in backwards, Kara. What did I do to deserve you?" He urges softly in a whisper.

"You crashed into the right planet, I guess." I laugh into his chest and I hear him respond wih laughter.

I, suddenly, hear footsteps coming from outside my room. I looked at my door as the sound increased by the second "Wait-" I quickly sit up recognizing the small voice.

"Oh! wow!" Alex says running in, "Cover up!" She shouts after exiting my room and waiting in the hallway. I was only holding up the blanket, so I lean down and pick up the first thing I touch.

I start to pull on the nearest shirt, and when I'm finished I look down to see it's Monel's shirt I'm wearing. I hesitate to change it, but when I hear Alex speak again, I remained still. "All clear?" Alex says entering the room again.

"What the hell you doing here, Alex?" Monel asks confused and puzzled as his arm wraps around my slightly bare back.

"Kara," She says looking at me, "did you forget I was staying here this week because of my renovations happening in my apartment?" After her sentence everything came back to me. She did plan on staying here.

"Oh my god, Alex! I totally forgot!" I said looking from her to Monel. Each looked at me with a similar 'typical kara' attitude.

"It's not the first thing you've forgotten." Monel jokes aloud. I hit him lightly and try to hold back my smile.

"Well, I'll leave you two alone, for now but J'nn needs us at the office for investigations." I looked at her puzzled, since all that is on my mind was Monel. I honestly didn't remember much from yesterday but the proposal.

"God, Kara, what's going on?" She laughs, "Remember Vexx and the ninja?" Again when she speaks the words, it all comes running back.

"Oh yeah! Okay we'll be there." I say but as I finish the sentence, Alex is already gone. I turn to face Monel with a helpless smile.

"That was awkward." Monel says causing us both to bust into laughter.

"Yeah having your big sister walk in on you is always an experience." I say continuing to laugh as I make my way out of bed. I look down as the shirt falls to my thigh's level.

"You also forgot to tell her." He said. He was trying to hide the fact that he was upset, but I could see it written all over his face.

"I wasn't sure if you were ready to tell people yet." I say looking at Monel from the mirror. He smiled and walks over to me, in his short briefs, wrapping his arms around me. He puts his chin on my shoulder and whispers.

"I want the whole world to know that I am engaged to the greatest women in the universe." I turn around to face him and he lets go. I feel his arms wrap around my small waist as he pulls me closer, our noses inches apart.

"How about dinner? We'll tell them all then how lucky you are." I laugh as I put my arms around his neck. He smiles at my suggestion.

"Sounds like a plan." He agrees leaning in slowly to kiss me. We separate and I back away looking for my suit.

"Oh, I forgot, I told her we'd carpool." I say picking up my suit and turning to face him. He does a small eye roll before turning around to find his clothes as well. I let a small laugh escape.

"LET'S GO!" Alex yells from the living room.

We both look at each other panicked and flustered, causing us to quickly zoom into our clothes and exit the room in seconds. As Monel stops beside me within less than a second, I turn to him.

"Ha! You're too slow." I tease him before we walk into the living room. He wraps him arm around me and gives me a kiss on the side of my head.

"I'll get it next time." I huff at his confidence and lead the way.

"Finally, it took you long enough." Alex said holding the apartment door open for both of us.

"I have a feeling coffee is on me?" I say knowing the answer already.

"Yep." Alex laughs passing us as we reach the driveway and jumping in her car to drive the three of us. Monel and I exchange a look and then follows with a single laugh.

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